DAppNode over UNRAID

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Thanks for answer Squid,


DAppNode could be installed by two means, the easiest one is as a Debian ISO with DAppNode scripts but you can also use the following script to install it:

wget -qO - https://installer.dappnode.io | sudo bash

When I did it, worked ok until the dockers were starting, that stoped with the error 

e":"journald is not enabled on this host"}

As blockchains grow fast I thought it would be a good option to install it by the installer and not using a VM, so the data could be managed more efficiently directly by UNRAID, but I don't really know since it is the first time I use UNRAID.

Edited by luisalrp
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So installing an application directly on unRAID is almost never the correct thing to do. As you are seeing not only is unRAID slackware based, it is also stripped down to best suit its primary function as a NAS. Your first choice for running applications on unRAID should always be in a docker. If there isnt a community supported image available in CA, then the next best bet is searching Docker Hub for a decently documented image. Of course if a docker image is not available then VM is the next best solution. These days bare metal apps (most typically plugins) are reserved for things that require direct integration with he unRAID OS or UI.

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