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[SOLVED] Made an oopsy - Unmountable disk present

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I received a couple of new drives that I was planning on putting into my system.

In my excitement I thought I had stopped the array, but I hadn't, and I added the drives. I also removed one other drive, then put it back in. 

None of the drives were spinning, the entire array was idle.

Then I had some issues with a single read error on one of the drives, I assume this was the existing drive that I removed and put back in.

unRAID wanted me to do a full parity check, but I didn't want to do that, and decided to shut the array down and make a new config with all the existing settings.

I thought that this would bring the array back to fully operational. I was wrong.

It looks like the file system on that drive has been wiped. It's not XFS like my other drives, it says 'auto'. The data should still be on there though (this is a media server, nothing super important is stored).

I'm guessing that unRAID is currenlty emulating the data in it, though I can't see a message saying that anywhere. All I want to do is bring this drive back online and not

lose any data if possible. If a parity rebuild is required then so be it.

Should I format the disk like unRAID is wanting me to do, or can I restore the file system that was on it and carry on using it?


I've attached my diagnostics.




Edited by mintjberry
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Some things about your first post that makes me wonder if parity is even valid at this point since you did New Config.


Are those new disks you added in the array now? Did you add them to new data slots in the array?


Did you preclear them? Or did you let Unraid clear them after adding them? How did they get formatted?

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Made an oopsy - Unmountable disk present

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