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  1. thanks - running now... lets see how it goes, fingers crossed.
  2. Thanks for helping.... Disk 2 utilisation should have been very low... I think I just had the shares set up on fill up mode while I populate the array from other sources. So it could be it was effectively empty. No format... ever. No backups. No, not in unassigned.
  3. Hmmm... not there yet.... I still have Parity disabled and Disk 2 disabled and emulated. Array not protected... not sure what to do next. Appreciate suggestions! thez00-smart-20230307-2043.zip thez00-diagnostics-20230307-2041.zip
  4. Hi There Unraid Friends, So I have run the check with -L... see the log attached. Am I good to go? I am nervous about being a noob and killing it.... xfs_repair log
  5. Hi There, Thanks for above. I ran the check and got the following per screen cap. How do I Mount the filesystem to replay the log? Thanks Rob
  6. Hi Everyone, I did a rennovation and moved office. I shut my array down and it has been offline for a couple of months. Just gone and fired it up... I was in a world of pain initially as the system wouldn't boot - I was getting a "Kernal Panic" and system shutdown message. I've since replaced USB key and updated and now its booting but Parity 1 is disabled, Disk 2 is disabled. There have been no hardware changes - simply shutdown in storage. I have attached the diagnostic. Appreciate any help Cheers Rob thez00-diagnostics-20230228-1947.zip
  7. Thanks Kilrah - found it. Yes, its nothing to do with Postgres, my github was blocked by odd DNS "change". Thanks for the suggestion.
  8. Hi All, Trying to install Postgres14 and get following error. Appreciate suggestions on what I have going on here. Thanks
  9. Luckily I am just transitioning across slowly, and learning as I go, so nothing totally lost, except my time. Once I get a new CPU to run the show (instead of the crappy old dell lappy) the plan was to set up a cache on an SSD, but that is for the future when time and $$ permit. (and a working UPS) In the meantime, if I run the procedure above will that get me back to square 1? Or is there more to do with the docker. (I dont run any VM). Thanks
  10. Hi - just pre-empting next steps... is below appropriate from manual? Rebuilding a drive onto itself There can be cases where it is determined that the reason a disk was disabled is due to an external factor and the disk drive appears to be fine. In such a case you need to take a slightly modified process to cause Unraid to rebuild a 'disabled' drive back onto the same drive. Stop array Unassign disabled disk Start array so the missing disk is registered Important: If the drive to be rebuilt is a data drive then check that the emulated drive is showing the content you expect to be there as the rebuild process simply makes the physical drive match the emulated one. Is this is not the case then you may want to ask in forums for advice on the best way to proceed. Stop array Reassign disabled disk Start array to begin rebuild. If you start the array in Maintenance mode you will need to press the Sync button to start the rebuild.
  11. Updated diagnostics and have re-run xfs_repair on disk 1 Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... Phase 2 - using internal log - zero log... - scan filesystem freespace and inode maps... - found root inode chunk Phase 3 - for each AG... - scan and clear agi unlinked lists... - process known inodes and perform inode discovery... - agno = 0 - agno = 1 bad CRC for inode 2147483777 bad CRC for inode 2147483777, will rewrite Bad mtime nsec 4182577976 on inode 2147483777, resetting to zero Bad ctime nsec 4182577976 on inode 2147483777, resetting to zero cleared inode 2147483777 - agno = 2 - agno = 3 - process newly discovered inodes... Phase 4 - check for duplicate blocks... - setting up duplicate extent list... - check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks... - agno = 1 - agno = 0 - agno = 2 - agno = 3 clearing reflink flag on inodes when possible Phase 5 - rebuild AG headers and trees... - reset superblock... Phase 6 - check inode connectivity... - resetting contents of realtime bitmap and summary inodes - traversing filesystem ... - traversal finished ... - moving disconnected inodes to lost+found ... Phase 7 - verify and correct link counts... done thez00-diagnostics-20220522-1356.zip
  12. Thanks itimpi, I have attached the diagnostics. Yes I can see the expected content and can access the drives and content over my network. Appreciate your help! thez00-diagnostics-20220522-1133.zip
  13. Hi, I am running V6.9.2. Had a power failure overnight and system went down. Initially my 2 data disks did not mount. I started the array in maintenance mode and did xfs_repair under check file system status for both disks. Restarted array after this, but disks still show crosses against them. I can access the shares and contents, so bit confused. Dashboard says disks are disabled. Cant start docker. Any suggestions? Thanks Rob
  14. Thanks Squid, probably should have added a bit more... the problem I have is I deleted the app that was using port 3306 (mariadb), and want to replace it with another app that calls 3306. I thought that as I deleted the original, and it no longer shows up in the allocations that it should be cleared, but it seems that it still thinks 3306 is being used. I'm happy enough just to re-allocate a new port but just wondering if there is some reset I need to do to clear the original for tidyness.
  15. Hello, I broke my server. Now while I'm trying to fix it I am having trouble re-installing apps (such as mariadb) as it says the port is already being used. If I have uninstalled the app and its dependencies, and it does not show up as being used, but it thinks it is, how do I clear it? Thanks. See error below.... Attention One or more ports used by this application are already in use by another service or app running on your server. You will need to adjust the host ports accordingly on the template
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