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Posts posted by editedweb

  1. On 7/13/2023 at 12:55 AM, Purkan said:


    PS: This is the text from docker compose and the folders were created, but did not increase in size during/after synchronization.
         - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/config:/opt/Dropbox/.dropbox
         - /mnt/disk1/Dropbox/data:/opt/Dropbox/Dropbox

    Hi Purkan,

    What I would do is use Krusader to search for folders of those names on your system. You can find 'Search' in the 'tool' menu, or just hit the magnifying icon if shown.



    Then, I would check out the directory matches found.

    Hope this helps!



  2. Yep, while I'm here, I'll also say thanks - I've got three different machines running unraid now, in two separate locations (and all with different roles). I have yet to come across any major problems (the only issues I've had were self inflicted). I love it, and use it daily.

  3. Unraid can have multiple VMs running, if that is what you're talking about, and the licensing of the VMs would be dependant on each one - there isn't a limit to how many VMs you can have on a server (at least not a practical one) but your hardware will dictate what you can simultaneously run. Check out the video from LTT 7 Gamers, 1 CPU and some of it's related videos... if money isn't an issue, you could do this, but if that was the case I doubt you'd be worried about licensing fees.....

  4. On 7/15/2022 at 11:22 AM, Vr2Io said:

    Amazing, does that mean electricity provider haven't yearly PM.

    I'd say that they do, but the grid itself is able to redirect and maintain stable power (there's for sure likely to have been micro outages, but nothing that shut the system down).

  5. On 7/15/2022 at 9:42 AM, trurl said:

    Do you have Notifications setup to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected? Do any drives have SMART warnings on the Dashboard page?

    Drives have no SMART warnings, and no, I haven't got email or other alerts - I just check it regularly (I use it probably every second day, just not physically there).

  6. Well I just logged on to my backup server (which is about 200km from where I live, so I don't actually visit often) and noticed it's got an uptime of over a year. What do you guys think, should I drive over soon and do some maintenance... I'm seriously impressed with the power supply there, no blackouts in over a year (this system is not on a UPS).
    Expecting some serious cobwebs and dust.....


  7. Ok. I'll keep a watch and see if I can see any other errors or clues as to what's happening.


    Edit: As soon as I had posted this, I checked the status using the dropbox.py tool in the console, and got this:


    sh-4.3# su nobody -c 'dropbox.py status'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/bin/dropbox.py", line 1612, in <module>
        ret = main(sys.argv)
      File "/usr/local/bin/dropbox.py", line 1601, in main
        result = commands[argv[i]](argv[i+1:])
      File "/usr/local/bin/dropbox.py", line 786, in newmeth
        return meth(*n, **kw)
      File "/usr/local/bin/dropbox.py", line 1263, in status
      File "/usr/local/bin/dropbox.py", line 135, in console_print
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2022' in position 21: ordinal not in range(128)


    I'm not sure if it is related or not.


  8. I have recently been experiencing this error:


    RUST PANICKING -- "couldn't deserialize, panicking: Io(Error { kind: UnexpectedEof, message: \"failed to fill whole buffer\" })" at "app/lib/apex/rust/analytics/src/queue.rs":332


    This has been happening on two seperate4 machines. Any ideas what this error means? It kills dropbox, and a restart works for a while before subsequently having the same error.


    Anything else I should be looking at?


    I should also add, that this happened also with the 'dropbox by otherguy' package as well.

  9. One thing I like most about Unraid:
    This one is easy - the community of course!
    One thing I'd like to see added in 2020:
    This one is a bit more difficult, since Unraid varies so much depending on what is required by the operator. Something I see asked for a lot is a proper remote access gui, rather than connecting via a vpn to your network - this would be handy, but if it isn't properly secured, it would also be asking for trouble. So, I'm going to suggest something different, and that is built in unraid server syncing, which would keep two systems at different locations in sync (at specified times, eg, end of the day). I'm sure there are guides and plugins on how to achieve this, but if it was made simple, with a setup wizard, that would be amazing.

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