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Posts posted by yoshiiaki

  1. On 10/16/2021 at 2:18 AM, AinzOolGown said:

    Hi Yoshiiaki,

    I maybe wrong but i think it tells you that you need to install the said library (pdlib) before installing the face recognition app :)
    In exemple :

    I appreciate the Response. I was getting the pdilb error and followed your link. after some trial and error, i noticed one of the comments mentioned it doesn't not work for NC21. So i checked my system info, andit appears my nextcloudpi is version 21. so it is incompatible with the version i have unfortunately.

  2. I got nextcloudpi up and running and all seems well. but when trying to install the app "Face Recognition" it gives me the error "This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:

    The library pdlib is not available."

    Anyone run into this issue and have any idea how to resolve it?

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