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Posts posted by lachinois

  1. Hi all!


    I'm trying to fix a vfio binding issue. I have 2 GPU's in my server, and I'm able to pass the 2ND GPU to my VM's with the integrated VFIO-PCI plugin that comes with unraid 6.10. However, when I try to bind the 1rst GPU (checking all 4 NVIDIA devices, just like the 2nd GPU) it will freeze on boot when it comes to vfio-pci.... in the boot sequence. 


    I read that disabling the framebuffer can help the system bind boot device GPU's, so I'm not trying to disable the unraid framebuffer when it boots from GRUB in hopes it will allow the 1rst GPU to bind as well instead of just freezing the PC on boot.


    I have tried this in my GRUB config, but to no avail, the framebuffer is still visible no matter what I do. Has anyone had any success with these methods on NVidia cards to disable the video output on boot?


    label Unraid OS
      menu default
      kernel /bzimage
      append initrd=/bzroot pci=noaer pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction  video=efifb:off,vesafb:off,vesa:off


    When I boot I get this, even with the video=efifb:off... Here is a screen shot of the vfio-pci freezing. I've also attached a diagnostic or my server (when I don't try to bind the 1rst GPU).






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