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Posts posted by Beaniiman

  1. On 8/18/2023 at 12:14 PM, kaares said:

    It runs as intended in a docker if you use the kernel by thor. This is how I use it. I get AV1 support in Plex so that is pretty cool. I'm not sure if it is as performant as the nvidia tesla t4. I get some buffering when transcoding a 4k hdr to lower resolution sdr with buring in subtitles. If I skip the subtitles it is smooth. I seem to remember the nvidia not buffering in this scenario. I'm currently having too much fun testing av1 to switch back to test.


    If you use the official unraid release it will not support hardware video encode/decode. (You need the kernel to be 6.2 or later, the official Unraid is only 6.1.x.) Installing the kernel is as easy as copying four files to the boot folder. It will technically work as a video output in 6.1 but without hardware encode/decode.


    If you have two gfx cards and want to combine the thor kernel with a nvidia gfx-card it will not work. The nvidia driver will refuse to load. If you want to use nvidia stuff stay on the official release.


    ZFS is untested with the thor kernel. It's included, but none has mentioned testing it yet.


    Any luck with HW Tone Mapping, I had to disable tone mapping on HDR to get it to HW Transcode.  Other than that everything works great now.

  2. On 3/26/2023 at 10:14 AM, Anadoliev said:

    I think I have the same problem with the groups as Beanliman has! I don't understand what to do with this groups. Is that the standard way to make QSV work or it so hard because Intel arc is still not fully supported?

    Anyway it seems that my A380 is recognized and the driver is loaded but for some reason I can't get Tdarr and Jellyfin use it.

    I spent the last night troubleshooting but maybe it better to wait for the official support!

    FFmpeg.Transcode-2023-03-26_18-01-18_13932a79fd3043d9690bc4e830695695_df787dc8.log 13.84 kB · 3 downloads

    Yeah, I gave up.  I sure its something silly but I am too new to this level of customization I think.

  3. hmm, I did that and it appears the same issue is still there.  Looking at the logs its the same problem.


    I used the jellyfin/jellyfin docker from the store, the official one.  Are there more things I need to change in that config?

  4. 5 hours ago, nyanmisaka said:

    You didn't set the correct permissions to allow Jellyfin to access /dev/dri/renderD128.

    We have detailed instructions on setting up hardware acceleration.


    On host:

    sudo usermod -aG render jellyfin

    sudo usermod -aG video jellyfin





    Also, use QSV instead of VA-API.

    OK I tried that as well as "input" and got 2 different error messages. I never saw anything about creating a user anywhere, what do I do now?  Thanks for the help btw, learning slowly.

    # sudo usermod -aG render jellyfin
    sudo usermod -aG video jellyfin
    sudo usermod -aG input jellyfin
    usermod: group 'render' does not exist
    usermod: user 'jellyfin' does not exist
    usermod: user 'jellyfin' does not exist



  5. 18 hours ago, nyanmisaka said:

    The OneVPL runtime is required for using QSV AV1 encoder, which is not supported by legacy MediaSDK.



    Jellyfin's ffmpeg 6.0 builds support OneVPL and bundled its runtime.



    OK, now trying jellyfin for the first time and can not seem to get transcoding to work at all.  I just get an error during playback.  Anyone used jellyfin with an ARC GPU that could help out a newbie.


  6. I just upgraded a test server to the latest RC and now my usb NIC is not working, the on board works fine but is a much slower NIC.


    I see that the NIC is detected and looks like the driver is installed but I am a bit of a newbie on linux.


    # lsmod | grep ax88
    ax88179_178a           28672  0
    usbnet                 36864  1 ax88179_178a
    mii                    16384  2 usbnet,ax88179_178a


    Only Eth0 shows up and works though in the networking tab.  Any ideas?

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