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Posts posted by mmwiebe

  1. Hello, I hope your day is going better than mine.

    My Dockers start on boot ok but after a certain amount of time I am unable to start or edit  docker containers.


    I read online  that it might be a full drive, I checked all disks and  all were only half full.

    I also tried a clean install of the unraid OS. Then copied  my "key and super.dat" from old OS to the new os -used old USB

    This seemed to cleanup the system but am still having errors with the docker not started after a certain amount of time.

    I am not able to install new dockers either.


    Next I chose to delete my doocker.img and start over with all my dockers.


    Some dockers are also returning a "Read-only file system".



    I then made my big error myself I had my DISK4 become unreadable and I  ended up formatting it and loosing that disks data - I hoped that the drive would be rebuilt from the parity. I error-ed.



    My WD RED PLUS NAS drives that are  newest are the drives having problems.


    What can I do to correct my docker situation?






  2. Hi all, First time posting, hope I'm in the right spot.

    I managed to install letsencript with spaceinader ones video, my diffieculty is that I was hoping to use the web hosting part of the docker to run dolibarr.org an ERP & CRM. I managed to clean install it and connect the data base using mariadb and login. Then it randomly reactivated the install and got stuck there. Nothing I did fixed it.


    Then I tried to installing dolibarr using the apache docker it worked to install and login, then the next day I could not login, i was stuck at the login page,


    I want to use dolibarr for my own personal access. not have others access it.  it anyone as a better software than dolibarr please let me know.


    I would appreciate any help that's available, have a wonder full day.

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