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Posts posted by stoigeboiii

  1. touch: /home/suwayomi/.local/share/Tachidesk/docker_touchfile: Permission denied
    -> It is essential that u read readme for ghcr.io/suwayomi/tachidesk before running this container
    -> Readme for ghcr.io/suwayomi/tachidesk is available at https://github.com/suwayomi/docker-tachidesk
    Tachidesk data location inside the container -> /home/suwayomi/.local/share/Tachidesk
    The server is running by default configuration on http://localhost:4567
    log file location inside the container -> /home/suwayomi/.local/share/Tachidesk/logfile.log
    /home/suwayomi/startup/startup_script.sh: line 18: can't create /home/suwayomi/.local/share/Tachidesk/logfile.log: Permission denied
    touch: /home/suwayomi/.local/share/Tachidesk/docker_touchfile: Permission denied



    I tried running the container and kept getting these same errors. I've given it privilege on unraid and still nothing. I add a removed Library and local-Library. I've also tried to remove the /. from appdata container path and also changing the appdata folder to not be in appdata incase there was another permission issue. Any idea of what I can do to this?

  2. I have a mesh network in my house and I noticed that whenever in my room, which is far from the original router, it won't connect to the server. If I'm on my phone, laptop, or tablet and on WI-FI it just won't show the website or allow me to access anything. It says "This site can't be reached took too long to respond" 


    If I'm connected on ethernet I have no problems. If I'm closer to the main router than also no problems.


    I think it has something to do with the device being connected to the satellite instead of the main router. I can confirm that it's connected to Orbi Satellite-2 has a good connection to the main router. 


    Has anyone else experience this problem or maybe knows how to fix it so I can access the WebGUI and my other docker's GUIs despite what satellite I'm on. 

  3. I marked appdata as preferred for my cache drive and only just realized that the cache drive is not included in the parity protection. Is there a way to get either a rollback backup of my appdata that is protected by parity or a way to have my cache drive's data included in the parity protection?


    Any help would be great thank you!

  4. When I'm using a device with wifi (Smart TV, Laptop, Tablet, Phone) it often doesn't let me connect to unraid. I normally get a time out error. This only happens when I'm not near the main router (I assume because I'm connected to an access point). I'm using Orbi in my house. This problem also never happens with wired devices. 


    I can't connect to the webui or any of my docker's webui.


    If anyone knows what's going on that would be great!


  5. Both my Parity Drive and Disk 4 become disabled, luckily I have 2 parity drives. I plugged in a new hard drive and tried to rebuild Disk 4. I still have the old hard drive and haven't touched it. 

    When I went to go rebuild Disk 4 I noticed that all the data stored on that drive was missing. I thought that after rebuilding I'd get it back. However, when the device was emulated, both before I replaced the drive and after, the data was gone from the shares. I also have the old drive still connected to the unraid server just not attached to the array. I tried providing screenshots of anything relevant. Let me know if there any more information I can give. I tired to follow https://wiki.unraid.net/Replacing_a_Data_Drive to the best I could but I'm not sure what went wrong. The only thing I didn't do was unassigning the device before powering off, since I left it plugged in. 


    Is there anything I can do to get my data back? 


    Thank you for any help

    chrome 2020-11-14 at 16.11.39.png

    chrome 2020-11-14 at 16.22.12.png

    chrome 2020-11-14 at 16.24.05.png

  6. My temperatures have been really high since my house does have AC and I can't open the windows due to air quality. So I have been trying to watch my Unraid stuff. Then it just stopped working. My errors spiked on my parity and then stuff hit the fan. 


    So if you look at the Screenshots the logs are taking up all the ram (at least I think). I also just can't open logs to see what happened. I closed the Array but it's still stopping. I'm afraid to reboot the system because I have no idea what's going on. I think I missed information but can't tell as I'm freaking out a little haha. Any advise would be amazing. I can answer any questions to help. 

    I have ordered new drives incase I need to make any swaps. Also got a new case on the way to try to help with airflow. Again any advise would be amazing!!!

    chrome 2020-10-04 at 22.41.10.png

    chrome 2020-10-04 at 22.41.30.png

  7. I'm really new to unraid and nginx. I'm trying to get a really basic PHP file to work but am not sure where to put it or how to use the docker I downloaded. 

    I tried to look online but all I found was about Reverse Proxy stuff. I can't find anything about a web server on unraid. If there's any educational stuff that'd be amazing! Just trying to learn more!

  8. An error occurred loading items to play. 
    There was an unexpected error loading this item

    These are the errors I get when I try to watch something on my plex (Their 2 different errors). Both Desktop (Mac and windows), TV (Roku), and Phone (Android) are not working. My plex is running on unraid. This mainly started to happen when I added a cache drive and parity drive and a new drive. The new drive was erroring a lot so I replaced it with an identical drive just different. So I had to rebuild and at that same time I was setting up my cache. I set Appdata to “Prefer” and also set my Videos folder to “Prefer” by accident. I undid the videos and moved them off cache before I added Appdata to cache. Once I did that a lot of my dockers stopped working (I have 2). They would be running but when I went in MineOS no information once I logged in. Similar to plex, I logged in on plex and I could find the shows and movies I put there but couldn’t access them beyond seeing them. I have moved all of plexs data off the cache and that didn’t fix it. At this same time I also added Nvidia added the driver and added the Extra Parameters " –runtime=nvidia ".

    I work a lot and don’t have too much time to error check everything till the weekend. So if anyone has any ideas of what I can try that’d be awesome! I disabled hardware acceleration I think. I also removed the extra parameters and at this point I'm just confused.



    Plex Media Server.log

  9. 7 minutes ago, Hoopster said:

    Basically, the difference between Cache - Yes and Cache - Prefer is the following:


    "Yes" means put on cache initially, move to array when mover runs; "Prefer" means put on cache, keep on cache if possible, otherwise move to array when mover runs.


    The Plex media is stored in whatever shares you have designated on the array for the media whether it is one "master" Media share with all media in subfolders or separate shares by media type, e.g. Movies, Photos, Music, etc.  Whether or not any of that is initially stored on the cache drive is determined by the Cache setting on each share.  If you don't want media cached, set the relevant shares to Cache - No.


    The Plex metadata is stored in the appdata share which could be on the array or on the cache drive or an unassigned device.  If appdata is stored on the cache drive (highly recommended especially if it is an SSD), the recommended setting is Cache - Only so that appdata is always stored on the cache drive and no part of appdata is ever moved to the array.  Of course, this assumes your cache drive is large enough to store all the Docker appdata files (databases, configuration files, etc.) for all the Docker containers you have or will install.  That should be no problem if all you store on the cache drive is appdata and possibly the system and iso shares for VMs.  The latter could get large depending how many VMs you have and how they are configured.  Some prefer to move all VM related shares and files to an unassigned devices SSD.


    That makes alot of sense. I accidently cached my videos and just selected no for caching. My NVMe ssd is now at 99% utilization. I only have 3 dockers right now. Will it naturally go down as it starts to uncache the Videos share

  10. Basically for shares and stuff what's the difference between 'prefer' and 'yes'


    I have a plex server and I don't want the videos cached but all the metadata cached. I'm not sure which shares need to be selected to do that and what the different options even mean. 


    Thank you!

  11. I have a Ryzen 1700 with my Unraid Server. I'm currently using Plex in a Docker but wondering if I need to put it in a VM to use GPU support. I plan to have 5 people watching at the same time 2 of them using 4K HDR. 


    Not sure what's the best approach. I have a GTX 1070 that I could just as easily sell to get a better CPU if that's the best idea. Let me know what you guys recommend.

  12. I've tried to ask this question before but I've come back with more detail. 

    I'm on the newest version of unraid. I'm using a Ryzen 7 1700 with 16gb on an Asus b350m board [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/x7gBzN I had to guess the motherboard, ram, and power-supply (I'm not home right now)]. I'm using the wraith cooler included from a 3900x that was used in another system. The system remains on just seems the OS gives up, like the CPU fan is still going and when I turn on the screen of the machine it's just black no text. This also means I can't access it on the web. I only have 2 dockers Pritnul and Plex but this was happening before I installed them. 


    It might be because I'm not using a good USB. I just had one lying around that was an off brand 16gb USB 2.0 stick. I can try changing it but I'm not sure how to move data from my old USB to my new one. Also one of my hard drives is having a thumbs down on the SMART check. I'm not sure if that'd be an issue. 


    At first I was receiving some hardware errors when I'd boot the system in the log but those seemed to go away. I also thought the Temperature was making it shutdown but I have no evidence and the temperatures seemed normal when I was monitoring it. 


    Second thing is that I thought it could be my power-supply. I haven't tested this one but I'm using a 350 watt power-supply however I'm not sure that this would cause this error since the CPU fan and LED are still going. And I'm well below the power-usage for this system. 


    I thought it might be that the motherboard was overclocking everything but when I checked the bios it didn't seem like it was overclocked. 


    Last time I worked on it, it only lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes before going offline. 


    I tried to do some self-diagnosis, I haven't update the bios. If there are any steps you think I should take to find the issue that'd be helpful (I'm fairly new to unraid)? Also if there are any fixes I can try that'd be amazing. I hope I provided enough information I'm not sure if I did. 

  13. Feb  9 10:41:34 Tower kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged
    Feb  9 10:41:34 Tower kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: CPU 1: Machine Check: 0 Bank 5: bea0000000000108
    Feb  9 10:41:34 Tower kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: TSC 0 ADDR 1ffff8168a992 MISC d012000100000000 SYND 4d000000 IPID 500b000000000 
    Feb  9 10:41:34 Tower kernel: mce: [Hardware Error]: PROCESSOR 2:800f11 TIME 1581273675 SOCKET 0 APIC 2 microcode 8001138

    Not sure what this stuff above is talking about. 

    Not sure what's wrong and what to fix. My server keeps turning itself off so I'm assuming this is the problem but I have no idea what the problem is?

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