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Posts posted by chiwou

  1. doesn't work and the ports are defined as variables not ports



    if I create a new container without your template and use these arguments the container works

    --restart=unless-stopped --hostname blocky1 -p 4000:4000/ -p 53:53/udp -p 53:53/tcp -v /mnt/user/appdata/blocky/config/config.yml:/app/config.yml -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -e TZ=Europe/Berlin


  2. Hi,


    tried the nzbgetvpn container, and the VPN connection works.

    Got to the console and entered this command

    dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com

    got a different IP address than my ISPs, but nzbget won't start downloading any files, and I don't know why.


    Tested the linuxserver/nzbget container and download works fine.

  3. Hi,


    have the same issue atm. Even the same HW 🙂

    My guess is, you're using a dynamic overclock for the precision boost (Level 4?).

    Even had stability issues after I put a load in one of the VMs (crashed the whole system).


    After I set a fixed OC, the system runs fine. Even displays the right frequency inside the VMs.

    Currently running a 4.1 on all cores, never could get a stable 4.2 OC.

    It would have been nice to use the precision boost OC, that way the system could boost single cores beyond 4.1


    Try booting from a Windows Drive with your current OC and open HWINFO and CPU-Z. Start prime95 and let the stress test run for a few hours.

    Check HWINFO and CPU-Z and note these settings

    - Frequency of all cores (should be between 4150-4250) if not, the system is not stable and throttled itself or the CPU runs too hot

    - CPU Core Voltage (not the highest value, the current value)

    - SoC Voltage (again, the current value)


    Disable the Precision Boost OC and set a fixed multiplier (42 in your case)

    Set the noted voltage settings and stress test again, if the system is stable, unraid and the VMs are good to go.

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