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Posts posted by enljm115

  1. On 1/25/2021 at 11:06 PM, Arno142038 said:


    After install macinabox ,I met this problem .It seems like some sort of permission problem. Hope you can give me some guide to work it out.

    "[services.d] starting app...
     [app] starting Macinabox with VirtManager...
     [services.d] done.
     unzip: can't change directory to '/userscripts/': Permission denied
     unzip: can't change directory to '/userscripts/': Permission denied
     chmod: /userscripts/1_macinabox_helper/: Permission denied
     chmod: /userscripts/1_macinabox_vmready_notify/: Permission denied"



    And I have to say it is so weird that I devote 3 days but still in van. I have tried reinstall ,changing hardware and reinstall unraid system. I HOPE SOMEONE CAN HELP!


    This question is very strange, I installed the script manually
    My approach is:
    When this problem occurs, enter the docker terminal (click the container icon, click Console);
    vi /Macinabox/unraid.sh
    Find and comment the following line:

    if [ "$injectfixxml" == "yes" ] && [ ! -e /userscripts/1_macinabox_helper ]; then                                                                                                                                                     
                    echo "Trying to add userscript"                                                                                                                                                                                       
    #                unzip -d /userscripts/ /config2/1_macinabox_helper.zip #extract macinabox helper userscript into userscript location                                                                                                  
    #                unzip -d /userscripts/ /config2/1_macinabox_vmready_notify.zip #extract macinabox notify userscript into userscript location                                                                                          
    #               rm /config2/1_macinabox_helper.zip #cleanup delete zip file                                                                                                                                                           
    #               rm /config2/1_macinabox_vmready_notify.zip #cleanup delete zip file                                                                                                                                                   
    #                chmod -R 777 "/userscripts/1_macinabox_helper/" && chmod 777 /config2/macinabox_helper_userscript.sh #reset permissions on user script                                                                                
    #                chmod -R 777 "/userscripts/1_macinabox_vmready_notify/" && chmod 777 /config2/macinabox_vmready_notify.sh #reset permissions on user script                                                                           
                    echo "Injected macinabox helper and notify userscript into user script plugins and a copy of macinabox helper and notify script has been put in appdata"                                                              
            # leave userscript in macinabox appdata & delete zip file                                                                                                                                                                     
    #        rm /config2/1_macinabox_helper.zip #cleanup delete zip file                                                                                                                                                                   
    #        rm /config2/1_macinabox_vmready_notify.zip #cleanup delete zip file                                                                                                                                                           
    #        chmod 777 /config2/macinabox_helper_userscript.sh #reset permissions on user script                                                                                                                                           
    #        chmod 777 /config2/macinabox_vmready_notify.sh #reset permissions on user script                                                                                                                                              
            echo "A copy of macinabox helper and notify script has been put in appdata"                                                                                                                                                   

    Save and exit;


    Stop the container
    Delete the following location files:

    rm -r /mnt/user/system/custom_ovmf/*
    rm -rf /mnt/user/appdata/macinabox
    rm -r /mnt/user/domains/Macinabox* 

    #Note that the deleted VM is not your original VM

    Run the container;

    Enter the docker terminal (click the container icon, click Console);
    Observe the log information in the following locations:

    cat /config2/macinabox_Big\ Sur.log

    #This may also be catalina, according to the actual mac version


    If it's ok, it should look like this:

    I am going to download the BigSur recovery media. Please be patient!
    1. High Sierra (10.13)
    2. Mojave (10.14)
    3. Catalina (10.15) - RECOMMENDED
    4. Latest (Big Sur - 11)
    Downloading 694-24485...
    Saving http://oscdn.apple.com/content/downloads/19/05/001-28530/f5eukmvtgjyblrf2af2clohxt4mba7g2pn/RecoveryImage/BaseSystem.dmg to BaseSystem.dmg...
    Note: The total download size is 633.79 MB
    Download complete!                                
    Saving http://oscdn.apple.com/content/downloads/19/05/001-28530/f5eukmvtgjyblrf2af2clohxt4mba7g2pn/RecoveryImage/BaseSystem.chunklist to BaseSystem.chunklist...
    Note: The total download size is 2596 bytes
    Download complete!                                
     Nothing to extract using method 1
    created directory: '/config/autoinstall/'
    created directory: '/domains/Macinabox BigSur'
    I have created the Macinabox directories
    Formatting '/domains/Macinabox BigSur/macos_disk.img', fmt=raw size=107374182400
    Created vdisk
    dmg2img v1.6.7 (c) vu1tur ([email protected])
    /Macinabox/tools/FetchMacOS/BaseSystem/BaseSystem.dmg --> /isos/BigSur-install.img
    opening partition 0 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 1 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 2 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 3 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 4 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 5 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 6 ...             100.00%  ok
    opening partition 7 ...             100.00%  ok
    Archive successfully decompressed as /isos/BigSur-install.img
    Putting open core in the isos share
    Archive:  /config2/OpenCore.img.zip
      inflating: OpenCore.img
    macOS VM template generated and moved to server (You need to run macinabox_helper userscript)
    A copy of macinabox helper and notify script has been put in appdata
    Summary of what has been done
    The reference /domains below refers to where you mapped that folder in the docker template on your server 
    (normally to /mnt/user/domains)
    MacOS install media was put in your Unraid isos share named BigSur-install.img
    A  Vdisk of 100G was created in /domains/Macinabox BigSur 
    OpenCore bootloader image was put in your Unraid isos share namedBigSur-opencore.img
    Custom ovmf files are in /mnt/user/system/custom_ovmf
    XML template file for the vm is ready for install with macinabox helper user script.
    Note  This file assumes your vm share is the default location /mnt/user/domains
    If it isnt you will need to change the locations accordingly after in unraid vm manager before running vm
    A copy of the macinabox helper user script was placed in /mnt/user/appdata/macinabox/macinabox
    OK process is now complete 
    Now you must stop and start the array. The vm will be visible in the Unraid VM manager


    Now enter the following command:

    unzip -d /userscripts/ /config2/1_macinabox_helper.zip
    unzip -d /userscripts/ /config2/1_macinabox_vmready_notify.zip
    chmod -R 777 "/userscripts/1_macinabox_helper/" && chmod 777 /config2/macinabox_helper_userscript.sh
    chmod -R 777 "/userscripts/1_macinabox_vmready_notify/" && chmod 777 /config2/macinabox_vmready_notify.sh


    Then you can follow the steps of the video in the user script to continue.

    Ok! hope this helps.



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