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Posts posted by jbridgma

  1. I just recently got around to setting unmanic up again after the big update. It's working very well for the most part, but for some reason it's no longer using my GPU. I checked, and I still have --runtime=nvidia in the extra parameters and my GPU UUID in the more settings.


    Am I missing something about configuring the docker to use a GPU? That's all I saw in the template instructions. Thanks in advance!

  2. So I went to set up a python script only to find I could not locate any Python 3 packages for pip or virtualenv on NerdPack. This is a little surprising to me, since Python 3 is an included package in NerdPack, and Python 2 is now officially sunset.


    Maybe I'm just missing something and these packages are actually available somewhere that I somehow missed? This is totally possible, I don't have a ton of experience with NerdPack yet. But if they really aren't supported yet, could I request that they get added? The deprecation of Python 2 seems like a good time to start including full support for the Python 3 versions of packages like this.


    In case anyone else runs into this, my workaround was:

    • Install the NerdPack provided pip and Python 3 packages
    • Use those packages to upgrade pip to a Python 3 compatible version
    • Use your upgraded pip to install virtualenv
    python3 -m pip install -U --force-reinstall pip
    pip install virtualenv


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