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Posts posted by AltairPT

  1. 21 hours ago, prouderthings said:

    For Pterodactyl-Daemon,  I installed every as default for Unraid.  Added a user and successfully logged in.  I can create a Node and see the daemon, but when I try to create a vanilla minecraft server, I get:

    Error: (HTTP code 400) unexpected - invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: /srv/daemon-data/1c3cd65f-a386-40f6-be42-1b7277858272

    When setting up the Node, under Daemon Server File Directory I have tried leaving the path as default "/srv/daemon-data".  The /srv/daemon-data is empty in the container.  There is a closed issue on the containers github (https://github.com/ccarney16/pterodactyl-docker/issues/22).  Any suggestions in what to try?



    I am having the same issue.

    I have noticed that the directory gets created before the error, and then gets removed after.



  2. Hello,


    I started using UnRAID a few days ago, and I ported one of my VMs into it, that was pretty straight forward and easy to do.

    The problem is, most of the times when it boots, when I do a "screenfetch" command to get the GuestOS "specs", the CPU Clock comes as 0Mhz.

    Has this happened to anyone?


    The VM is running Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic (Server)



    The problem I have is that some programs I run, mostly Source Dedicated Server and SteamCMD, require the clock frequency of the server in order to function properly.

    Some other programs I run also require it, and without it, stuff stops working.


    I hope someone can help me with this,


    Thanks in advance,

    - AltairPT

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