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Posts posted by BeeKay

  1. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    New config is not used to rebuild disks:



    Also, parity can't help with a formatted disk, since it's updated in real time, and trying to rebuild a disk after a format will just rebuild the formatted disk, you'll need to try UFS explorer or a similar data recovery program.



    Thanks JorgeB.


    Understood, will look into the data recovery options.


    I tke it there is no way to rollback to previous configs?

  2. Hi there,


    I've done some terrible and foolish things today, am hoping you can help. I made some changes to config across two disks and seem to have lost data in 1 (one disk is a new drive I added to replace an old one, and the other disk is a data drive that coincidentally errored and eventually I formatted it, mistakenly).


    I hope people can take interest in the topic, in terms of - "can/how does unraid 's protection/dual parity etc help a silly person who takes the following path".


    I have a dual parity system and am hoping that helps (before I look at things like UFS Explorer to recover data)...


    In short, I wanted to swap a 4tb drive out for a larger 12tb drive, and in the process I mistakenly assigned the new 12tb drive to the wrong data drive slot when I restarted the array. All very silly, but I will swallow my pride and list the steps below in the hope someone can advise next steps.


    Steps I took:


    Added 12tb drive to unraid, precleared it.

    Stopped array, changed 4tb drive slot (disk4) to 'no device', started array to update config.

    Shutdown unraid, removed 4tb drive from machine, restarted.

    (...disk3 coincidentally came up with red X and said drive missing)

    I wasn't paying attention and I changed disk3 slot to the new 12tb drive, started the array.

    I realised what I'd done and stopped the array.

    I assigned the 12tb drive to disk 4, and set disk3 to the correct disk for its slot

    Started array, parity rebuild started, disk 3 still red X.

    I stopped the rebuild (perhaps I shouldn't have).

    Disk3 could start a SMART report, so I took it to mean the drive was alive (didn't complete the report)

    I went to New Config, chose to keep parity and keep cache settings (only data positions lost)

    I'd taken a screenshot prior to messing with things, so I assigned all the data drives to original spots (incl original disk3 to disk3 slot, and the new 12tb drive to disk4)

    Here is where I think I messed up.... I chose 'parity is valid'... 


    When I started the array, it didn't start a rebuild and had disk3 as unformatted.


    I thought... with dual parity, surely I can just format the disk3/4tb drive and have unraid rebuild the data across both disk3 and disk4... sure there's a risk if another drive fails, but I'll run with that.


    I formatted disk3 to xfs.


    I am now a bit panicked and not wanting to do anything else.


    I've been looking for things like "how to roll back a New Config"... and now I looked up UFS Explorer as a last resort.


    Can anyone advise next steps?



  3. 22 minutes ago, trurl said:

    yes. All files on the existing disks will be there, and all shares will be there since they are just the top level folders.



    You don't mention the size of your existing parity disk, but of course no data disk can be larger than any parity disk, so if each parity isn't at least 10TB then you can't add a 10TB data disk.

    Thanks heaps.


    RE the parity drive, I mentioned the existing parity as also a 10tb, but yep I understand what you're saying that the parity drives need to be as big as/bigger than the largest data drive. Cheers.


    Sounds like I can just add the drives I want to end up with in the new config step, and I heed your warning around existing disks showing their fs and size and not showing as unmountable...

  4. 8 hours ago, trurl said:

    How did the drives fail? Are you sure the disks themselves failed and it wasn't some other issue, controller, cables, etc?


    You can reassign disks however you want with Tools - New Config. It won't change anything except it optionally and by default rebuilds parity. In your case you need to let it rebuild parity. Be sure you don't assign a data disk to the parity slot.

    Thanks for the reply.


    Yes, I'm sure the disks failed. There's a backstory, which I thought to lay out originally but then felt it may not be relevant, but yours is a fair question. Basically, I've been running a bit of a frankenstein setup involving my HP microserver gen8, with an LSI 8i HBA, running sff8087 to 4x sata through the back of the HP to an externally positioned 4xhdd cage (one of the 3x5.25 bay caddys). The hdd cage was connected to a separate PSU with a jumper wire to enable it to power up without a motherboard connection.... yes.... I know, dirty.... my own skin crawls in the retelling... anyway while I was troubleshooting the drive not appearing in unraid, I was moving the drives between bays to test the SATA connection on the back of the caddy, these seemed fine... the problem/my mistake came when I started playing with the jumper wire on the PSU.... the PSU is a Corsair SF600 which is 'clever' in that it doesn't spin the fan until needed. The spinning fan could be considered a simple visual indicator that the PSU is on and doing its thing, but not with a PSU that doesn't run the fan by default. So I was effectively messing with the jumper while the PSU was on and providing power to the drives.


    So I fried the PCBs on the drives. Confirmed by the hdd technician at a local data recovery provider... they managed to swap the PCBs on all 3, replace the BIOS, and two came back. The third is believed to have suffered damage to the heads as well. I received the two repaired drives back, added them back to the original caddy and PSU arrangement, they appear in unraid. I then manually mounted all the disks and laboriously copied the critical data off. Managed to get all the pics docs and backups off, don't have the spare drives to do same for the media on there...


    RE an odd behaviour from the hdd cage and PSU arrangement, before all this... unraid would be happily running the array for months, and when I would reboot (for a non-issue related reason) it would often restart with Disk 4 as missing... I would reach behind the hdd cage, give the SATA connectors a press and the drive would come back as visible in unraid (all done without powering down/up). I'd start the array and go about my day. So I took from this that the sata cable/connector on the back of the hdd cage was not 'great'.


    The whole issue that set me off playing with the cables/PSU was due to Disk 4 disappearing like above, but not coming back from the usual cable pressing on the back. 


    Long story long, I feel...


    Q1 - when you say Toole - New Config won't change anything escept it rebuilds parity... does this mean that it will create a new array config, with all the available drives, presenting all their existing data, with all the existing shares/etc? Then, all I would effectively notice is that some folders/files are not visible in the shares that were there previously?


    Q2 - I have bought 2 new HDDs to add to the array. One is a 10tb to use as a second parity drive (existing is also a 10tb), and the other is a 10tb to add as a new data drive for the arry... should I run the Tools - New Config step before adding second parity, and likewise with the new data drive? e.g. should I follow - do the new config, it completes, add 2nd parity, it completes, preclear then add new data drive, it completes... ? 


    Sorry for the essay. Thanks for your help.

  5. Hi guys, hoping to get some advice.


    Had an array working fine for ages, 6 data + 1 parity +1 cache… however I’ve suffered a 2-drive failure and now need to get back up and running.


    Long story short… I managed to copy all the valuable data from the remaining drives (just to be safe) through mounting them as read-only and copying files to a USB hard drive. The valuable data was pictures, documents, backups etc.


    There is also a heap of media on the drives, which I don’t have room to pull off to external drives but would love to keep if possible. 


    My question is… can I reconfigure the array to disregard the lost drives and their data, whilst keeping the remaining media on the healthy disks available again in the array?


    Have a feeling this might be basic unraid functionality but would love some assurance.


    Thanks heaps.

  6. 9 minutes ago, testdasi said:

    It does but not sure how you can get it out.


    If you run a db refresh without emptying out trash (which is usually configured to be done automatically after scan / during housekeeping), it will mark deleted contents as deleted.

    In the past, there was a plugin that can export the Plex db into csv files so it's very easy to check.

    However, Plex has completely killed off all plugins for quite a while now so you will need to know how to deal with Plex db to get that info out.


    Thanks again.


    Sounds a bit daunting.... 

  7. Apologies if this is addressed in other posts - I've searched.


    I've had two drives fail in my single-parity-drive array, which is a bummer, however I've been able to pull the critical data from all the drives except one (mounted them as read only and manually copied to external drive via CLI). 


    I can access all the 'good' drives still, but I'd like to know what shares, files and folders were on the drive that is 'gone'.


    My question is... is there anywhere in unraid or appdata logs (e.gwas running plexmediaserver docker) that a directory structre is available?


    I'm happy to manually identify the gap between the recovered and the lost files, but don't like 'not knowing' what I've lost.


    Hope someone can help.




  8. On 3/1/2020 at 5:35 PM, aptalca said:

    You said you followed the linuxserver troubleshooting guide. So what happened? Did you do the test?

    I did follow... but I also tested poorly. I setup port forwarding and was testing it internally and the domain was resolving to the docker default page. I took this to mean it was working, however I got a mate to test externally and he wasn't getting in. It was bizarre because I had plex port forwarding setup and working on the router, so was comfortable with the steps I took.


    Anyway. I was using the basic ISP-supplied router for this, but I setup a different router (was already planning to do so) and when I re-setup the port forwards, it worked (for both plex and the letsencrypt dockers...).


    Cheers for replying.

    • Like 1
  9. On 2/29/2020 at 11:51 PM, trurl said:

    If you have your own domain, why get duckdns involved at all?


    The video tutorial shows you how to do it with duckdns, OR how to do it with your own domain. Not both at the same time.

    I got duckdns involved as a way to have my dynamic IP automatically update via the duckdns, so the domain would remain updated.


    This may not be the best way to do this, in which case I'd be keen to know a better way?

  10. Hi there,

    Hoping you guys can help me out. In short, my letsencrypt docker is giving me the 'likely firewall issue' message but I have tested port forwarding with nginx and nginxproxymanager dockers, which show their default pages via the opened ports.


    I followed spaceinvaderone's guide (with methodical pausing while i applied the steps), so forwarding 443 from router to 1443 on unraid host, and 80 to 180 in the same way. 


    I've got a domain registered. I've added a CNAME to my domain, pointing to a duckdns subdomain. I've setup the duckdns docker to update IP for this.


    My ISP did have default ports blocked, which I've turned off (otherwise the tests above wouldn't have worked anyway).


    I've also followed the linuxserver troubleshooting guide for the port forwarding issue already.


    Can anyone shed some light? Would be much appreciated


    If my letsencrypt log is useful, it's pasted below (xxxx'd out the domain and email specifics:

    _ ()
    | | ___ _ __
    | | / __| | | / \
    | | \__ \ | | | () |
    |_| |___/ |_| \__/

    Brought to you by linuxserver.io
    We gratefully accept donations at:

    User uid: 99
    User gid: 100

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
    [cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: executing...
    using keys found in /config/keys
    [cont-init.d] 30-keygen: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 50-config: executing...
    Variables set:
    [email protected]

    2048 bit DH parameters present
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    Only subdomains, no URL in cert
    Sub-domains processed are: -d nextcloud.xxxxxxxx.net
    E-mail address entered: [email protected]
    http validation is selected
    Generating new certificate
    Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
    Plugins selected: Authenticator standalone, Installer None
    Obtaining a new certificate
    Performing the following challenges:
    http-01 challenge for nextcloud.xxxxxxxx.net
    Waiting for verification...
    Challenge failed for domain nextcloud.xxxxxxxx.net

    http-01 challenge for nextcloud.xxxxxxxx.net
    Cleaning up challenges
    Some challenges have failed.

    - The following errors were reported by the server:

    Domain: nextcloud.xxxxxxxx.net
    Type: connection
    Detail: Fetching
    Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem)

    To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
    entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
    contain(s) the right IP address. Additionally, please check that
    your computer has a publicly routable IP address and that no
    firewalls are preventing the server from communicating with the
    client. If you're using the webroot plugin, you should also verify
    that you are serving files from the webroot path you provided.
    ERROR: Cert does not exist! Please see the validation error above. The issue may be due to incorrect dns or port forwarding settings. Please fix your settings and recreate the container

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