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Posts posted by ClintonRH

  1. Ok I was absolutely ripping my hair out the last few days. I had a Wireguard tunnel setup that was working last week, and it stopped unexpectedly. We had a power outage Sunday night and I've been haphazardly banging away at this whenever I get some time ever since, the UPS worked and Unraid shut down gracefully. The rest of the network stayed up on the UPS and was still running when the power came back on so my PFSense router/firewall never rebooted.


    With Wireguard tunneled to the Unraid server I was able to access local network resources if I connected to them by IP address but anything accessed with a domain name was broken. My DNS requests to the local DNS Resolver were being refused and I couldn't figure out why because there was NOTHING about refused requests in the router logs and everything on the local LAN was still working including remote access through OpenVPN to the router directly. If I set the Peer DNS to something on the greater internet I could tunnel access internet things by domain but local stuff was broken still. I've been absolutely pulling my hair out ever since and I FINALLY figured it out. It doesn't make sense to me why it was working before then it broke when nothing in any relevant configuration should have changed (last update/restart for PFSense was several weeks ago. It's been rebooted since then because things were borked but an update/restart shouldn't have been the cause). Here's my solution if anyone else stumbles on this with the Googler :: in PFSENSE->Services->DNS Resolver->Access Lists create an new ALLOW access list for your Wireguard IPeer Endpoint IP block ( for me, yours likely still the default I previously had no access lists defined and everything was working. I don't get it but I just happy to finally be able to access LAN resources by name again and use my local DNS server when tunneled in.


    Just sharing some knowledge if anyone else is ever being driven crazy by this.

  2. I'm having an issue with this docker disappearing. I don't open it much so it can be a week or more before I notice that it's missing. The folder is still in /appdata/ and if I add it back through Community Apps it comes right back as if nothing ever changed. This is the only docker container I have that does this.

    I'm probably not looking at the right logs because in the system log this is all I can find.

    Apr 12 04:30:03 Unraid root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application unifi-controller has an update available for it
    Apr 12 05:00:11 Unraid Docker Auto Update: Stopping unifi-controller
    Apr 12 05:01:09 Unraid Docker Auto Update: Installing Updates for unifi-controller
    Apr 12 05:05:55 Unraid Docker Auto Update: Restarting unifi-controller
    Apr 12 05:11:40 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: Stopping unifi-controller
    Apr 12 05:11:40 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 unifi-controller
    Apr 25 05:02:26 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: Stopping unifi-controller
    Apr 25 05:02:35 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 unifi-controller
    Apr 26 04:30:03 Unraid root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker Application unifi-controller has an update available for it
    Apr 26 05:00:10 Unraid Docker Auto Update: Stopping unifi-controller
    Apr 26 05:00:43 Unraid Docker Auto Update: Installing Updates for unifi-controller
    Apr 26 05:05:21 Unraid Docker Auto Update: Restarting unifi-controller
    Apr 26 05:09:23 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: Stopping unifi-controller
    Apr 26 05:09:23 Unraid CA Backup/Restore: docker stop -t 60 unifi-controller

    Doesn't show the docker starting up after CA Backup/Retore runs or when I re-add the docker from community apps much less why it's disappearing from the list of docker containers. I figure there's probably a better log somewhere but I'm not sure where to look

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