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Posts posted by notthedroids

  1. OK, I am back up and running: Extended smart test showed no errors, recreated the docker file and some test dockers are running fine.


    I do not really used the virtual machines so restoring my dockers now has priority.


    Thanks a lot for your help! It made the process a lot less nerve wrecking than figuring all of this out on my own.

  2. OK. I backed up the cache drive. Next step is to format the cache drive.


    I understand that I need to take the array offline for that so doing that now. Current status is "Array stopping - sync filesystems".


    After that I will have a look if I can find a reformat option somehwere in the GUI.

  3. Hi there,


    Having a lot of fun with Unraid and docker until yesterday evening. My Plex container stopped working after throwing a 32 GB file at it and I have had trouble with docker since.


    I was not able to restart the plex container, so I decided to reboot. Reboot got stuck and I had to push the physical reboot button on the server. After that reboot was succesful and I let the parity check do its thing.


    When checking docker afterwards  a number of dockers were unable to start and the ones that started did not work properly when they were trying to execute certain actions (f.e. Duplicati was unable to write to database. Plex was not able to play a video file). For the dockers that did not start I got the following message:

    e":"open /var/lib/docker/containers/b1d5d4be8600864f4967fde7568805774333947cca4b36a9b1faf10b934deecd/b1d5d4be8600864f4967fde7568805774333947cca4b36a9b1faf10b934deecd-json.log: read-only file system"}

    Each docker had the same issue with their respective log.


    I checked the Unraid forums and tried the following:

    • checked the log size of the dockers: nothing above 5mb.
    • disabled docker, deleted the docker image file and re-enabled. All dockers were still listed under docker. Issue remained the same.
    • tried to delete the log file but could not because of read-only filesystem.
    • tried to delete the contents of the appdata folder but could not because of read-only filesystem.
    • created a new appdata2 folder to use with docker but unable to get a docker going.


    I am all out of ideas at this point so I decided to post here. You can find my diagnostics.zip in attachment.


    Thanks a lot for any suggestions you might have.


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