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Posts posted by mmtaii

  1. I recently spun up a 1.20.4 vanilla server and had nothing but issues.

    Random disconnects are today's issue. Also had crashes.

    Crash logs are confusing and don't seem to show anything helpful. Server has plenty of memory and CPU available.

    Is there another option I should explore instead or is this just the name of the game running a Minecraft server on Unraid?
    Hate to pay for a service when I have a powerful unraid box sitting in my closet. Thanks

  2. Is anyone still using this container in 2024?

    I recently spun up a 1.20.4 vanilla server and had nothing but issues.

    Random disconnects are today's issue. Also had crashes.

    Crash logs are confusing and don't seem to show anything helpful.

    Is there another option I should explore instead or is this just the name of the game running a Minecraft server on Unraid? Hate to pay for a service when I have a powerful unraid box sitting in my closet. Thanks

  3. 14 hours ago, ich777 said:

    I can not reproduce this on my server, here is the output from a new container installation: corekeeper.log


    Are you sure that you are on the latest container image? I've edited the container about two weeks ago because a user was reporting a similar issue.


    I would also recommend that you use the real file path (/mnt/cache/... or /mnt/diskX/...) instead of the FUSE file path to avoid issues since some games simply will give you issues when using the FUSE file path and some games wont run at all.


    EDIT: I pushed another update to the container, can you test if this is working for you now?

    I've tried all of the above but continue to receive Segmentation Fault error.

    Any way to confirm I'm using the latest image beyond deleting when removing Docker container in Unraid UI? :(

    Edit: using docker inspect I've confirmed I have latest image hash... no dice.


    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 84:   208 Segmentation fault      ${SERVER_DIR}/CoreKeeperServer -batchmode -logfile ${SERVER_DIR}/CoreKeeperServerLog.txt -world ${WORLD_INDEX} -worldname "${WORLD_NAME}" -datapath "${SERVER_DIR}/Save" ${GAME_PARAMS} 2 > /dev/null


  4. Getting an error starting the CoreKeeper server, any ideas?

    [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
    /opt/scripts/start-server.sh: line 84:   207 Segmentation fault      ${SERVER_DIR}/CoreKeeperServer -batchmode -logfile -nographics ${SERVER_DIR}/CoreKeeperServerLog.txt -world ${WORLD_INDEX} -worldname "${WORLD_NAME}" -datapath "${SERVER_DIR}/Save" ${GAME_PARAMS} 2 > /dev/null

    Using Unraid (6.11.5) with fresh CoreKeeper image and SteamCMD re-downloaded.

    Modified the following directory paths, everything else is default.

    SteamCMD: /mnt/user/Applications/steamcmd
    ServerFiles: /mnt/user/Applications/corekeeper

    EDIT: Looks like there's an issue with the underlying server via https://steamcommunity.com/app/1621690/discussions/0/3759978783504303058/

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