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  1. Hi, Like the previous user, I would like the following features on a Home PC Windows 10 computer for my storage drive media. I have multiple 3tb and 4tb hard drives currently mirrored so my 18 TB of drive space becomes 9Tb of usable space. - a "raid" solution that use up to 2 parity HDD, but only write a file on one HDD like unraid, allowing to only sollicitate ONE disk when reading that file (this last point is one of the most important for me, noise management) - behavior would have to be like unraid, i mean each data disk being readable if needed (in case of computer or disk Failure for example) on any computer without requiring the "unraid like" software - is able to work with multiple hard drives of different capacities and specifications The boot drive for the system is an SSD with system imaging and versioning to be able to restore the drive to any previous image in the event of corruption, malware or other issues. This drive is kept separate to the storage drive system. I don't want to do the UnRaid OS and run my Windows 10 machine via a VM all the time, as this seems needlessly complicated for a dedicated windows 10 machine. Is there a software version that runs under windows 10 that can run without the OS and virtual machines? Thanks in advance for your help!! PS. I've discounted doing Raid5 and 6 due to the varying disk sizes/specifications. My current second choice for the solution is using drivepool to create a large virtual drive for media and file storage, with selective file mirroring for common use files, and a daily run of SnapRAID with two parity drives.
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