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Posts posted by codebone

  1. Hi all,


    I am getting 502 errors after setting up swag following the original SIO video for letsencrypt. The issue seems to be that name lookup of the containers is failing. 


    • I am using latest, but also tried with several other versions dating back to 1.8.0
    • I am using all sample configs with no modifications 
      • portainer
      • nextcloud
      • grafana
    • swag and containers are all on custom docker network
    • nslookup finds the docker container by name
    • can ping one container from another
    • Using linuxserverio containers with default names


    nginx error.log:
    2021/06/05 20:21:54 [error] 470#470: *1 nextcloud could not be resolved (3: Host not found), client:, server: nextcloud.*, request: "GET / HTTP/2.0", host: "nextcloud.domain.com"
    2021/06/05 20:43:08 [error] 406#406: *6 portainer could not be resolved (3: Host not found), client:, server: portainer.*, request: "GET / HTTP/2.0", host: "portainer.domain.com"
    root@unRAID:/mnt/user/appdata/swag/nginx/proxy-confs# docker container list
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                  COMMAND            CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                                         NAMES
    40368254d154   linuxserver/swag                       "/init"            12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes   >80/tcp,>443/tcp   swag
    0130fe9243c4   portainer/portainer                    "/portainer"       About an hour ago   Up 24 minutes   >9000/tcp                       portainer
    root@40368254d154:/# nslookup portainer
    Non-authoritative answer:
    *** Can't find portainer: No answer
    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name:   portainer
    root@40368254d154:/# ping portainer
    PING portainer ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms
    64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.145 ms



    If I modify portainer.subdomain.conf as follows the 502 error goes away.

            include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
            include /config/nginx/resolver.conf;
            set $upstream_app portainer;
            set $upstream_port 9000;
            set $upstream_proto http;
            #proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;
            proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_port; # hard code ip


    I wonder if nginx is choking on the first failed nslookup? Is that a docker network issue?  Any other ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I am actually debugging this exact same thing. I apologize this isn't a solution, but me subscribing so I can hear if there is a solution.


    Unraid v6.8.3, using the same camera. Same deal, dmesg shows it connected, but it doesn't get a /dev/videoX type device, but its findable in /dev/bus/usb.


    I was experimenting with the zoneminder container though, but hadn't gotten that far yet.

  3. I had a long internet outage yesterday, and while I was able to use some of the services I provide via my local network, I was unable to access the unraid UI itself. I use the built in letsencrypt via unraid.net, so when I navigate to tower.lan/ it redirects me to 123123longstring238949849awjiawkj.unraid.net. Normally this is fine, but yesterday it made me unable to access my unraid console. I access my unraid almost daily, so my local network surely knows how to resolve that domain. Maybe this is a lack of understanding how letsencrypt works. What could have been happening? And how might I prevent this from happening in the future?


    Router serves as the DNS, which forwards to a pihole container on my unraid.


    Cert details:

    Issuer: C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3

    Expires: Mon 20 Jul 2020 09:45:40 PM PDT

  4. Hey rix, thanks for developing all the containers and continuing to support them, and helping manage the COVID-19 crisis wherever you are. 


    I am using the ripper container, and I get very mixed results with it. I have run probably 300 DVDs/Blurays through the jlesage/makemkv container in the past few weeks, since I am now sitting at my home desk all day. Many of the same discs I have attempted through Ripper, but the type is not detected correctly, or the rip is unsuccessful. For example, a bluray disc is detected, but immediately ejected with a finished in the log, but no data is created.

    *** Running /etc/my_init.d/ripper.sh...
    Using MakeMKV beta key: T-UWwbYn781f1gjZcH5NOsJkGgWHnUkQsr2IduoSJ8sssNXOqclsWhowNWTclkBjHIMH
    12.04.2020 04:42:25 : Starting Ripper. Optical Discs will be detected and ripped within 60 seconds.
    12.04.2020 04:45:38 : Data-Disk detected: Saving ISO
    12.04.2020 04:45:51 : Done! Ejecting Disk
    12.04.2020 04:46:58 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:48:00 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:49:02 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:50:05 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:51:07 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:52:09 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:53:11 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:54:13 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:55:15 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:56:17 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:57:20 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:58:23 : Disk tray open
    12.04.2020 04:59:25 : Disc still loading
    12.04.2020 05:00:33 : BluRay detected: Saving MKV
    '/out/Ripper/BluRay/BRAVE' -> '/out/Ripper/BluRay/finished/'
    12.04.2020 05:00:37 : Done! Ejecting Disk
    12.04.2020 05:01:42 : Disk tray open



    A small datadisk I did want, did rip successfully. It seems to have no issues making an .iso of discs from SeattleFilmWorks (defunct photo processing company, that my inlaws have dozens of discs from that they want to backup the pictures from). 


    Audio disks generally have been detected as data, and fail to rip. 


    Is there extra debug information I could find somewhere, either to present here, or to attempt digging in myself? I appreciate any support you might be able to offer. 




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