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Posts posted by oosharkyoo

  1. Hey so I am trying to mine on multiple GPUs in my unraid server but the miner only ever uses GPU 0.

    I have these logs

    20210429 14:17:45 T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner v0.20.3 - [Linux]
    20210429 14:17:45 r.fdd97e1996a9
    20210429 14:17:45
    20210429 14:17:45 NVIDIA Driver v465.27
    20210429 14:17:45 CUDA devices available: 2
    20210429 14:17:45
    20210429 14:17:45 WARN: DevFee 1% (ethash)
    20210429 14:17:45
    20210429 14:17:45 URL : eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999
    20210429 14:17:45 Starting on: eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999
    20210429 14:17:45 Using protocol: stratum1.
    20210429 14:17:45 Authorizing...
    20210429 14:17:45 ApiServer: HTTP server started on
    20210429 14:17:45 ----------------------------------------------------
    20210429 14:17:45 For control navigate to:
    20210429 14:17:45 ----------------------------------------------------
    20210429 14:17:45 ApiServer: Telnet server started on
    20210429 14:17:45 WARN: GPU #0(000800): EVGA NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080, intensity 22
    20210429 14:17:45 Authorized successfully.
    20210429 14:17:45 ethash epoch: 411, diff: 10.00 G
    20210429 14:17:47 GPU #0: generating DAG 4.21 GB for epoch 411 ...
    20210429 14:17:52 
    GPU #0: DAG generated [crc: a895d4ae36m, time: 4956 ms], memory left: 5.36 GB
    [0m20210429 14:18:08 GPU #0: using kernel #4
    20210429 14:18:13 [32m[ OK ][0m 1/1 - 87.19 MH/s, 147ms ... GPU #0
    [0m20210429 14:18:22 [32m[ OK ][0m 2/2 - 87.21 MH/s, 147ms ... GPU #0
    [0m20210429 14:19:24 [32m[ OK ][0m 3/3 - 87.22 MH/s, 145ms ... GPU #0

    CUDA shows that it can see 2 devices, but the miner only selects the 1.   Is there an extra configuration step I'm missing for multi-gpu mining?

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