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Posts posted by jibo78

  1. 16 hours ago, Fitz1015 said:

     I am using the Password App in nextcloud. For the last couple of months they have been seeing warnings that PHP 7.3.25 is not going to be support in there next update. In looking at first i seen that nextcloud is using php 7.3.25 and thought that by the end of the year it would update to 7.4. I have just updated to 20.0.4 and i am still seeing that its on 7.3.25.


    is there going to be an update that goes to php 7.4 or is there a support way to update php on my docker.





    I got same problem.

    Anyway i downgraded Passwords app to version 2020.12.1 in order to be able to use it with PHP 7.3 until Alpine 3.13 will be release.


    Downgrade app procedure is there:


    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, JimTebo said:

    Was really interested in the Grafana-Unraid-Stack docker, as it seems like a really nice, pre-configured all-in-one solution for Grafana, on top of all the individual parts being all together. Unfortunately influxdb just seems to not want to start at all within the container, and it just keeps crashing, according to the log.


    Hi Testdasi,


    It seems that i have the same issue with influxdb crash.

    i installed GUS with default parameters and i also tried to change influx port without succes.


    here are logs:



    [info] loki PID: 63
    [info] Skip hddtemp healthcheck due to USE_HDDTEMP set to no
    [info] telegraf PID: 78
    [info] promtail PID: 81
    [info] grafana PID: 110

    [info] Wait 10 seconds before next healthcheck...
    [warn] influxdb crashed, restarting
    Starting influxdb...
    [warn] influxdb crashed, restarting
    Starting influxdb...
    influxdb process was unable to start [ FAILED ]
    [info] loki PID: 63
    [info] Skip hddtemp healthcheck due to USE_HDDTEMP set to no
    [info] telegraf PID: 78
    [info] promtail PID: 81
    [info] grafana PID: 110

    [info] Wait 10 seconds before next healthcheck...
    [warn] influxdb crashed, restarting
    Starting influxdb...
    influxdb process was unable to start [ FAILED ]
    [info] loki PID: 63
    [info] Skip hddtemp healthcheck due to USE_HDDTEMP set to no
    [info] telegraf PID: 78
    [info] promtail PID: 81
    [info] grafana PID: 110

    [info] Wait 10 seconds before next healthcheck...
    influxdb process was unable to start [ FAILED ]


    Many thanks for you job and your help!