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Posts posted by Con1924

  1. Hi

    On 6.9.x I was able to get 100+ days uptime no problem.

    Since going to 6.10.x I get random hardlocks about every week. 


    I'm currently on 6.10.3-RC1, about to do the update to 6.10.3


    Here is my diag file, can someone take a look please. I hardlocked at 14.39 on June 27th

    I did a hard reset at 15.59


    The last logs was lowmem_reserve[]: 0 1746 31950 31950 , did I fill up the RAM ? 




  2. Unraid 6.10.rc8


    I wanted to replace my cache drive so followed these steps, now when I start Enable VM's I get Libvirt service failed to start on the the VM's tab.


    Disabled VM's and Dockers

    Set shares using cache to 'Yes' 

    Ran mover 

    Shutdown and replaced drive

    Formatted drive and set is as cache

    Changed required shares back to cahce 'Prefer'

    Ran mover

    Enabled Dockers - All went well, dockers came back

    Enabled VM's - Now I get LibVirt failed to start


    Manually checked Libvirt img location - all was fine

    Moved Libvirt img so that a new one would be made - didn't fix it

    Copied Libvirt img for a backup then deleted libvirt img through VM manager tick box - didn't fix it


    I don't mind making my VM's again if I have to, Vdisks are fine, but at the momment I can't even get to do that 


    Logs attached 


    Of note, my Unraid doesn't have internet access because my router is down (pfsense as VM on unraid) 😅





  3. Hi,

    I am wanting use a vmware vm inside a windows vm. I have followed the spaceinvaders video however I keep getting an error when trying to start the VM.


    "VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)

    vcpu-0:VMM fault 13: src=MONITOR rip=0xfffffffffc01a792 regs=0xfffffffffc407e50"


    I want to nest VM's like this because I have licensed software I use for work on the VM's and i find the unity feature very useful. 

    An alternative way of using the VM's with an alternative for vmware unity would also be okay.


    Thanks in advance.



  4. Hi, 

    I am currently trying to get VMware to work inside a Win10 VM on Unraid.

    Whenever I try and start a VM inside VMware I get the error "VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vcpu-0)".

    I think this is because it is saying I don't have virtualisation enabled in my BIOS.

    I am using the OVMF Bios for the Win10 VM. 


    Can anyone help in solving this? 

    I am using VMware inside the Win10 VM due to work reasons, we have VM's with software on, that I can't install on the Win10 VM due to licencing. 

    I could make a second VM up in Unraid, for the work VM, but then I can't use the VMware unity feature. If a VNC client has a feature similar to unity then that would work. 


    I have tried VMware player and VMware workstation pro. 



    Unraid 6.8.1

    Ryzen 1600, cores 1-5 and their threads passed through to Win10 VM. 

    32Gb RAM. 24Gb to VM




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