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Posts posted by flobbr

  1. Hi there,

    for about a week now my server has very weird connectivity errors.

    I frist noticed it while being connected via wireguard to the unraid server, working via RDP connection on a PC in the network. The connecion dropped about once a minute and after about 20s i could reconnect.

    Same issue when trying to go to the webgui.

    Thoght mabye it could be a wireguard problem so i setup a PIVPN on a RaspberryPi in the same network and it worked like a charm fpr the RDP connection but same issues with the webgui. So something seems so be wrong with unraid itself.


    A printer which puts scans in s SMB share failes every second scan because of "connection error".

    I can't see anything in the logs.

    Now the weird part:

    from my Windows PC i have absolutely zero problems with my SMB shares and i can connect to a VM on the unraid server without any problems. The PC is on the same network switch as all other devices and the server itself.


    The unraid connect addon dahboard shows the server as unavailabale most of the time too.


    Attached are the unraid network settings, is my pihole as the DNS server.


    Anybody has an idea what could be wrong?


    unraid networksettings.JPG


  2. Ok i think i found the error. As i had the unraid basic license i could only add up to 6 storage devices. I exceeded those. Now i upgraded the license and it works again. Found this out by booting into safe mode, then it showed the UI with the license warning.

    Very weird that it doesn't boot up in normal mode and just flag a warning.

  3. Hi,


    after a recent cache failure i wanted to be on the safe side so i just added two M.2 drives in my server. Now as i boot the server up, i can't access the webGUI anymore. No connection.

    So i looked at the monitor output and everything seems fine: server grabs its ip address and everything. I then booted into GUI mode and the onscreen browser shows: unable to connect


    What could be the issue here? 


    ps diagnostics are attached via command line and flash drive.



  4. 1 minute ago, sheldz8 said:

    If you are checking with Windows did you use Disk Management?


    Yes, didn't show up as well.

    1 minute ago, sheldz8 said:

    If you Stop the Array does it ask you to format the unmountable drives?

    It did for the drive i chose to format. The other one doesn'tm show up at all.

  5. Pool of RAID1. Yeah, the drive doesn't show up at all. Nowhere. Neither on my other pc so i think it may be an electric failure?

    The pool doesn't exist anymore since i formatted the other drive and unraid couldn't find the other one.

    The update which caused the problem happened yesterday at around 10AM if that helps with the logs.

    I think i am going to send in the drive to a recovery lab and see...


  6. Hi, yesterday i had this very weird issue. I got an email notification that there are plugin updates available. So i went ahead to the GUI and chose to install all updates. It got stuck on updating the rclone plugin. After a good 30 minutes i aborted the update but the server was slow as heck and alll CPU cores showed nearly 100% occupation. I chose to wait a few hours but nothing changed. I then pompted to do a reboot via GUI but nothing happened. I went to the terminal and sent the reboot command. Nothing happened. So i did a hard shutdown by holding down the power button.

    Server went out, ich waited for a bit and then restarted. Server booted up fine, normal CPU occupation, but both cache drives had an issue (i run two SSD drives n a pool): One wasn't showing up at all and the other said "Unmountable: no file system". I googled fpr a bit and found this: 

    Tried to work that out and could rebuilt some data but its only the file names showing with a size of 0 kb.

    I then unconnected both drives and plugged them in in different SATA ports but still one unrecognizable and the other one with no filesystem.

    Now the very very very dumb part: I thought that i could get the not recognized drive to work again so i formatted the other one as the data wasn't recorvered correctly. I have a backup of alle thr appdata on the drive so thats okay but all my VM vdisks are gone now which is a huuuuuge problem!


    Any tips for how i get to get the SSD working again? I already contacted a data recovery lab but that would be last resort.


  7. I ran user scripts for over a year now but it suddenly disappeared from the settings tab.

    I removed it via the plugins tab and reinstalled it via CA but get the following message:

    plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/user.scripts/master/plugins/user.scripts.plg
    plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/user.scripts/master/plugins/user.scripts.plg
    plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/user.scripts/master/plugins/user.scripts.plg ... done
    | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/user.scripts-2021.03.10-x86_64-1.txz
    Verifying package user.scripts-2021.03.10-x86_64-1.txz.
    Unable to install /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/user.scripts-2021.03.10-x86_64-1.txz: tar archive is corrupt (tar returned error code 2)
    user.scripts has been installed.
    Copyright 2016-2020, Andrew Zawadzki
    Version: 2021.03.10

    Corrupt image.. How can i install it again?

  8. So.... The output of

    fdisk /dev/nbd0 -l


    fdisk /dev/nbd0 -l
    Disk /dev/nbd0: 30 GiB, 32212254720 bytes, 62914560 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    So there are no partitions?? I dont quiet get it.

  9. 1 minute ago, ghost82 said:

    Then I suspect something serious has happened to your image file...it seems the efi partition has gone..you can wait for some more comments here, but I wouldn't expect anything good :(


    😞 Damn that doesn't sound good.

    Its such a weird issue, the mover runs every night and the dockers never stopped for that...

  10. Hi there,


    My unraid server ssems like it has some damn problems this morning: i got an email that the cache drive is neraly full (no wonder as i was downloading some movies for plex via sab overnight). I ran the mover manually and then everything seemed to went down. Nearly all docker images stopped themselves and my Home Assistant VM shutdown. After the mover finished i rebooted the whole server and all docker images are running well again. But the HA VM wont startup properly now: It shows it has started in the webui but the VNC view shows this: unraid.thumb.PNG.4ff9fb51e9fea969a30a0745c9d5c127.PNG


    I installed the VM from this manual a long time ago and never had any problems: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/ha-os-on-unraid/59959


    Coukld it be that the qcow2 image is corrupted somehow? My latest backup is from Januaray and i changed quiet a few things in the meantime 😞


    Does anybody know how i can boot the image up again?

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  11. Hey guys,

    I'm planning on upgrading from a HPE ProLiant Microserver GEN10 to a new machine running unraid. We have a small office with two workstations in the house where we also live. I need to run a Windows VM for a database server and i need a large fileserver. I'd also like to use some docker containers.

    I asked in the Reddit r/homelab and r/homeserver communities where i mainly got two options: buy an old r710 or build a ryzen self build.

    Either way i want to use 4x Ironwolf 4TB and 1 or 2 SSDs as cache devices.

    As i live in Germany, used server grade hardware is not that easy to get. I configured a R710 on this site where i would go with ~450€ for double Xeon E5649, 32GB RAM, HBA Controller Card, HDD Cages and Rails. With HDDs that's a price tag of ~1150€.

    The other way would be a self build based on the Ryzen 5 3600 i guess and maybe AsRock x470? But I'm also having a hard time finding a decent 2-4U rack chassis in Germany, they all seem relatively cheap to me and don't have many reviews.


    Which way should I go? Any tips?

    Thanks in advance and stay healthy everyone!

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