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Posts posted by sigfreund

  1. I am lost and could use some help.  I am running Unraid 6.8.3 and could never get Sonarr to process a download and add it to my media till I added the "download folder" to Drone Factory options then everything worked great (had to live with message stating the Drone Factory was depreciated).  Moved to Sonarr v3 and now I am back to downloads not being added to media.  Files appear to download correctly and can see no issue in the logs.  Any suggestions?  Attached are my mappings:




  2. I am lost and could use some help.  I am running Unraid 6.8.3 and could never get Sonarr to process a download and add it to my media till I added the "download folder" to Drone Factory options then everything worked great (had to live with message stating the Drone Factory was depreciated).  Moved to Sonarr v3 and now I am back to downloads not being added to media.  Files appear to download correctly and can see no issue in the logs.  Any suggestions?


    2020-12-07 19:11:28,017 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] NzbSearchService: Searching 1 indexers for [BattleBots (2015) : S05E01]

    2020-12-07 19:11:28,017 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] NzbSearchService: Searching 1 indexers for [BattleBots (2015) : S05E01]

    2020-12-07 19:11:31,220 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] DownloadDecisionMaker: Processing 5 releases

    2020-12-07 19:11:41,080 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] Sabnzbd: Adding report [BattleBots.2015.S05E01.Return.of.the.Bots.720p.HEVC.x265-MeGusta] to the queue.

    2020-12-07 19:11:41,196 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] DownloadService: Report sent to SabNzdb. BattleBots.2015.S05E01.Return.of.the.Bots.720p.HEVC.x265-MeGusta

    2020-12-07 19:13:44,733 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] RssSyncService: Starting RSS Sync

    2020-12-07 19:13:46,356 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] DownloadDecisionMaker: Processing 100 releases

    2020-12-07 19:13:46,356 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] DownloadDecisionMaker: Processing 100 releases

    2020-12-07 19:13:46,514 DEBG 'sonarr' stdout output:
    [Info] RssSyncService: RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 100, Reports grabbed: 0

  3. I have been trying unsuccessfully for sometime to get binhex-delugevpn to use wireguard.  I tried following documentation Q21 but it is obvious things have changed (switch for privileged and variable for VPN_Client all ready added).  When I try starting the container I get:



    2020-11-11 19:59:21.162426 [info] System information Linux 991573d85a00 4.19.107-Unraid #1 SMP Thu Mar 5 13:55:57 PST 2020 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.189336 [info] OS_ARCH defined as 'x86-64'
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.212989 [info] PUID defined as '99'
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.236606 [info] PGID defined as '100'
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.357170 [info] UMASK defined as '000'
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.374639 [info] Permissions already set for volume mappings
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.392507 [info] Deleting files in /tmp (non recursive)...
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.413451 [info] VPN_ENABLED defined as 'yes'
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.431666 [info] VPN_CLIENT defined as 'wireguard'
    2020-11-11 19:59:21.448920 [info] VPN_PROV defined as 'pia'
    2020-11-11 19:59:24.654828 [crit] PIA VPN server info JSON cannot be downloaded from URL 'https://serverlist.piaservers.net/vpninfo/servers/v4' exit code from curl is '0', exiting...


    What am I missing?

  4. When Kape Technologies purchased PIA many warned that it was time to find a new VPN provider but I didn't heed the warning but now is the time to look elsewhere and when my contract is up move else where.  This is just the tip of the iceburg from what we can expect out of Kape Technologies. 

  5. I have tried all the listed "port forwarding servers" and was able to briefly connect to Toronto only to have that connection fail but when I set Container Variable: STRICT_PORT_FORWARD to no it connects fine and everything seems to be working normally. What is the danger of doing this?  Am I potentially exposing my ip?

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