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Posts posted by MelloJello

  1. Hello, can anyone enlighten me on what is happening when I set the appdata path for my dockers. It starts as /mnt/user/xxx but when I set the location it automatically becomes /mnt/cache/xxx


    Is there any difference between the two? Also I just updated to 6.12.4 and have my appdata as an Exclusive Share.

  2. Been having some issues with the WebUI, sometimes pages load slowly or not at all. Just updated to 6.12.4 from 6.11.5. Anyone else having these issues?


    I'm wondering if it's this plugin because I went to reorder a folder, then I went to click Submit, the UI froze for a bit; and when the action was completed all my folders disappeared.


    Additional information, it seems to trigger when you click submit multiple times.

  3. On 10/21/2020 at 4:05 AM, mgutt said:

    If your system isn't optimized, you will see this


    Thank you for this, as I've reduced my idle wattage from 55W to 35W; really nice. However, I notice that my Pkg(HW) c-states are mostly all 0%, still. I have Home Assistant and a Pi-Hole docker running, are they preventing the CPU from going into c-states? For my CPU to go fully idle, does this mean I have to disable all dockers and VMs?

  4. I'm trying to install, but it is just stuck at "Updating available builds". How can I fix this? Thanks.


    The log says the connection timed out.


    *4091 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream

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