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Posts posted by toiletduck

  1. Hi.


    I have a 5 drive array (1x 4TB parity, 2x 3TB, 2x 2TB) and I've just finished populating it with all my data from another server (FREENAS, man UNRAID is simple compared to that!!)


    Anyway, I was under the impression it fills up the drives somewhat equally with the highwater method, but my allocation is as follows:


    3TB drive 1: 69%

    3TB drive 2: 50%

    2TB drive 3: 25%

    2TB drive 4: 26%


    Shouldn't it be more equal than that? I've also got 'Automatically split any directory as required' selected.


    Have I missed something?

  2. Thanks!


    I fixed it in the end so I'll just put how I fixed it and then put solved in the title incase anyone else has the issue in future..




    I made the 'appdata' share visible, mapped it as a network drive on my computer so I can edit the settings file for Transmission.

    Stopped Transmission in the docker menu

    Then I changed rpc-host-whitelist-enabled to false (it was on true)

    Started the docker again


    Bingo it works.

  3. Hi I'm new to unRAID and hoping someone can help me?


    I'm trying to install the Transmission community app, I'm selecting the basic one with no built in VPN, it installs without errors but whenever I access the web portal, it loads the UI but pops up with "Connection failed" over and over again (a Transmission error).


    Is there anything obvious I could be missing?

    Any logs or menus I can screenshot so someone can explain what I'm looking for?









  4. Thanks for the replies,


    Yes I've tried selecting the 2nd option when booting which gives me a desktop but I seem to be missing a lot of options, the only options in the menu are:

    unRAID Web Interface

    unRAID Documentation



    Midnight Commander


    More info:

    I had a bad cable initially it seems, but I've run Ubuntu Live (14) and can connect to the internet and ping this desktop (another person suggested my hardware might not be compatible with Linux).

    When I load unRAID it seems to assign a weird IP and when I try and ping that from this desktop I get transmit failed. General failure. When booting to GUI it can't connect to the internet.


    PS I noticed a Bond0 error (Cannot find device Bond0) in the command prompt during boot which is why the other person suggested hardware fault

  5. I plugged in a keyboard and monitor and that started with


    Tower login:


    I typed root and now I have a shell.


    Is there a getting started troubleshooting guide?? I can't even ping it from my PC (although I can ping my router from the Unraid box so it does have network)

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