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Posts posted by RoboCanvas

  1. 49 minutes ago, yoda42 said:

    oh, I think I get it... these changes?


    To migrate from holaf to my image on unraid edit (or create) the stable-diffusion template:

    • Repository => foxxmd/stable-diffusion:latest
    • Edit Stable-Diffusion UI Path
      • Container Path => /config
    • Remove Outputs
      • These will still be generated at /mnt/user/appdata/stable-diffusion/outputs
    • Add Variable
      • Name/Key => PUID
      • Value => 99
    • Add Variable
      • Name/Key => PGID
      • Value => 100


    I'm using the original holaf image. Also, I'm having errors with the PUID / PGID so I just got rid of them. Honestly I just recommend sticking with the 2.02 version until this all gets worked out.

  2. On 12/11/2022 at 8:16 AM, dsmith44 said:


    Hi @ubermetroid@Cyborg


    What are you trying to do here?


    If you open a console to the docker container, and have enabled HTTPS certs and magic DNS in you tailnet it will issue a cert.


    /app # ./tailscale  cert unraid.not-mine.ts.net
    Wrote public cert to unraid.not-mine.ts.net.crt
    Wrote private key to unraid.not-mine.ts.net.key
    /app # 


    What you are to do with this though I don't know, as it will just have unraid.not-mine.ts.net as a hostname.

    If you tried to use this for unraid itself you will get errors if you ever connect to it without using the full tailscale address.


    So while this works it's totally unsupported as has no sensible use case I can see.


    Interesting. I don't know why I could not get it to work before, but I got the public cert now.


    I'm trying to make it so I can connect to https:// (vs just http) and use a valid certificate.

  3. 9 hours ago, veritas2884 said:

    I loaded the mid journey ckpt file into custom folder, chmod 777'd it, and then shutdown and restarted the docker. I can see the Mid journey option in the drop down, but when I go to generate an image, I get this. Any ideas where I went wrong?


    Triart and Waifu work.

    Screenshot 2022-11-15 120048.png


    You need more VRAM. I think.


    Try upgrading to a better video card. Or try the wafu option.

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