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Posts posted by project___unraid

  1. Hi All


    Through my years of Unraid use I've occasionally used manual transfer between disks using Krusader or SMB.


    I've been busy with pretty large transfers between drives the last few days as I've been reorganising shares between drives.


    However, I seem to have 'lost' free space in the process. Two of my 8TB drives show that they're 99% full but using SMB or Krusader there's only like 80-90% 'real' data on there. My guess is there are hanging bytes or something that Unraid sees as used but which are not really part of a readable file.


    Is there any way to make Unraid re-evaluate the used space or something?



    1. I know that it's *not recommended!* to do manual tranfers but I've never had any issues with it and at times it seemed to be the only way to move data from the cache drive or when UnBalance wouldn't cooperate.

    2. I have read in the stars that the most straightforward advice will be to format the drives but I'm hoping there's a way to avoid this


    Thanks in advance

  2. On 3/13/2019 at 12:34 AM, Kevinf63 said:

    Mainly for the sake of completion; I googled this specific chipset and UnRAID, this was one of the first articles on Google, a post in this thread claims "Support for that chip most likely not included with unRAID" whereas this is no longer the case thanks to updates in the changelog quoted above, preventing conflicting reports.


    I will be building a media server soon utilizing two network adapters, one of which is a RTL8153 based USB adapter. Apologies.


    Thanks mate! Won't have to ponder on replacing the mobo or having to add a costly NIC for my passed on board with NIC-problems...

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