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Posts posted by FattyDave18

  1. On 11/2/2023 at 9:21 AM, JorgeB said:

    I would try connecting the 12TB drives to the onboard SATA.

    Great idea thank you.


    Having done that with the 2 drives that were causing issues they have both now rebuilt the data/parity without being disabled. Which is a change from when they were on the HBA. The parity drive was very slow to build but maybe that's normal for 2nd parity drive.


    Guess will have to wait and see what happens going forwards.


    Thanks again

  2. I've had a repeated issue with disks being disabled on my server going back some years (there's a few pretty support topics all for the same thing). Each time the conclusion would be that the drives look fine and to check data/power cables. The drives that got disabled would always be 1 of the 12TB drives I have in the system.


    Having had the drive be disabled again I recently bought a new 12TB Seagate drive to swap out to see if the problem continued with a new drive. It did and the new drive got disabled not long after I put it in.


    My question was therefore going to be what should I look to replace. I've swapped the cables from my controller round previously but it's always the 12TB drives that get disabled. Could the PSU itself be struggling? Does the capacity of a drive make any difference in terms of power consumption? Something else within the system itself?


    I've been meaning to look at this this week but this morning I received a health report advising that my second parity drive now had (disk has read errors) [NOK]. The drive is still showing as enabled and all the files show when I browse to the shares although trying to open some files I think perhaps the emulated data is broken. Hopefully I'm able to recover the data from one of the data disks that have been disabled (the Seagate drive in the system and another 12TB WD Red drive previously disabled that I replaced with the Seagate.


    Diagnostics attached.


    The controller I'm using is a LSI SAS 9210-8i.

    CPU is a intel i7 2600, 32GB of some RAM.


    Really appreciate any advise/suggestions anyone can offer.


  3. Hello, hoping someone can help me.


    I've started to receive the below error when sab tries to run the sabToSickBeard.py script.

    /usr/bin/env: python2’: No such file or directory


    I'm not sure what changed to cause this, although I did recently update Unraid to 6.9.2 and therefore Sab (but not certain the timeframe matches).


    I found a previous post in this thread with a similar problem. 

    This appears to be resolved by a further release of Sab though which being 3 years ago I must have.


    I got a bit lost in the troubleshooting steps in that previous discussion re using ssh to connect to the docker. It's all worked flawlessly for a couple of years since I set it up so keen to get it back to it's automated glory.


    Many Thanks!

  4. Thanks all for your comments.


    Disk is 1 year in to a 2 year warranty (although shucked but hopefully that'll be acceptable.


    I think I'll swap the power cable and give it one more shot to see if the errors go up/disk gets disabled again.


    Many Thanks again.

  5. On 5/5/2021 at 2:41 PM, trurl said:

    For future reference, Diagnostics already includes SMART for all attached disks.


    SMART for that disk looks fine, including the fact it has just passed an extended SMART test.


    Which controller is that disk using?




    Thank you, noted.


    Controller is a LSI SAS 9210-8i.

  6. Hello, I've had a disk from my array pop up as disabled and is showing 2048 errors on the main page.


    Smart Report shows passed (attached with full diag)


    I've had this happen before since then I've changed the SATA cable although I realise now not the power cable for the drive so perhaps I'll try that next (assuming this drive is OK to rebuild on?)


    Do I need to considering replacing the disk or is it worth another try with a different power cable?


    Many thanks in advance!

    furnnet-servur-diagnostics-20210504-2056.zip furnnet-servur-smart-20210504-2055.zip

    • Like 1
  7. Hello, looking for some help with my docker service.


    It's reporting failed to start, I suspect it's from my error; I was upgrading my cache drives and forgot to move the shares back to the cache drive before enabling the docker service. It was momentary and I have since moved the shares back (and had to manually move the docker image for some reason) but everything is now back in /mnt/user/.


    The docker tab however still shows as failed to start.


    Found similar posts suggesting I may need to recreate docker image, I'm a bit confused as to what this stores though. If I recreate docker image (Using these steps: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/?do=findComment&comment=564309) with one of my dockers being plex for example, will I need to reconfigure plex setting it's media paths etc? Will the plex meta data have to be recreated? watched/unwatched status etc.


    sys diagnostics attached.


    Thanks very much in advance for any advise/confirmation you can provide.



  8. I am running a Windows 10 VM and keep finding that it is paused. I've searched this forum and found people advising it's normally because the cache drive is full. I've run a balancing command I found that reported it balanced 8 chunks of ~130. The UI is still reporting 50% free space on cache drive (132GB)


    Is space still the issue?


    Diagnostics attached, although if a different set of logs would be more useful please let me know.


    Many thanks in advance, this community is awesome.


  9. Had a power cut yesterday which turned off my server. When I turned it back on it started a parity check (or perhaps just a read check) which failed promptly and set my disk 1 to disabled.


    This disk is fairly new. I've run a SMART short & extended test on it both of which passed.


    Would this just have been caused by the shutdown? I ran a full parity check on the 1st and it passed.


    Should I consider trying to RMA the disk? (It was shucked from a usb enclosure but imagine I could get it back together).


    If the disk is fine how do I stop it showing as disabled? I stopped/started the array and it didn't change anything.


    Many thanks. I'm quite new to this so apologies for any ignorance.

    SMART test download & system Diag download attached.

    furnnet-servur-diagnostics-20210116-1052.zip furnnet-servur-smart-20210116-0244.zip

  10. 40 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

    This suggest it's filing to create the folder.

    Ah, case sensitive... 🤦‍♂️


    It's gone through all directories and some files do seem to have been restored OK. Others not - namely the 2 VM disk images I was most keen to saving.


    Is it likely check --repair will fair any better or are they gone for good?

    When you say it's dangerous to use I assume you mean to the data rather than to the drive or anything else?


    Thanks again

  11. 47 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:


    you can use btrfs restore, but it will restore any files it can, including corrupt ones.


    When I run this (-v) i get:


    ~# btrfs restore -v /dev/sdc1 /mnt/disk1/restore
    warning, device 1 is missing
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/appdata
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/appdata: 2


    Running with -vi I get:


    ~# btrfs restore -vi /dev/sdc1 /mnt/disk1/restore
    warning, device 1 is missing
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/appdata
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/appdata: 2
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/domains
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/domains: 2
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/system
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/system: 2
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/Cache Drive
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/Cache Drive: 2
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/BlueIris
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/BlueIris: 2
    Restoring /mnt/disk1/restore/Downloads
    Error mkdiring /mnt/disk1/restore/Downloads: 2
    Done searching 


    Nothing is copied to the restore share.


  12. Thanks for the reply and looking at my issue.


    I get a wrong fs error when trying to mount read only.


    I'm able to mount as degraded. I can then see all my files but when I try and copy them using mc I get the below


    Cannot read source file "/x/........"

    Input/output error (5)


    I don't really understand how I've lost data just by unplugging a redundant drive and plugging it in again.

  13. I added back the second cache disk in to the cache pool and started the array. My shares now show up and I can browse to the files but still unable to copy them to another drive and docker/VMs services failing to start.


    The drive I added to the cache pool is now listed twice, once in the cache and ones as a Historical Device.


    Thought I'd reboot the server just in case that resolved the issue. Following restart both cache drives are now listed in the cache devices pool but as unmountable: no file system.


    Revised diagnostics attached.



  14. I have over the last month setup my UnRaid server and moved my data to it/setup a few VMs and dockers.


    I am running 2 cache disks in what should be a Raid 1. Due to a previous issue I wanted to confirm the Raid 1 was working so while the server was powered down I unplugged the SATA cable on 1 of the cache drives and powered it on.


    It booted up correctly and started the array with the cache drive (although I noted it reported twice the capacity for some reason).


    I turned it off, plugged the 2nd cache drive back in and powered it up. The array started again but only with 1 drive in the cache disk pool.

    I also found I wasn't able to stop the array successfully. I eventually got in to the disk settings menu disabled auto start and restarted. Once restarted I was able to add the ssd back to the cache drive list but it is now reporting as unmountable.


    Is this to be expected? I'm not in a position where I seemed to have lost access to my data on the cache drive.

    I have followed this guide: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=543490

    I am able to mount one of the drives and I can see all my files in Midnight Commander, when I try and copy them to another disk however I get the following error on all files:

    Input/Output error (5)


    Can anyone help in getting my data back?


    Many thank in advance.



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