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Posts posted by keenkreations

  1. On 8/17/2022 at 5:35 PM, luna_brian said:

    Yup that was it after looking through the logs. I saved my .db files and nuked the container. Then I reinstalled. Hoping that fixes it. If not i'll have to switch to MySql.

    Are you still getting the issue? The SQLite locking up can be due to the size of your database files, or the amount of users that you have accessing the Ombi container at the same time. It really isn’t too bad getting the MariaDB/MySQL container up and running.

    After reading through this forum, and poking around in the instructions, I finally figured out how to get the MySQL database to function and have my old database migrated over. I ended up using GIT on MacOS’ terminal screen and manually copying the python migration scripts over into the Ombi AppData folder.

  2. 1 hour ago, musicking said:

    I followed those instructions and still get errors when executing via SAB.


    Docker logs show that exact error I listed above. Seems like requirements are missing, but I ran the pip install -r requirements.txt command without fail.

    My apologies, I ran into this thread while looking for an answer with my dilemma; I think the container image needs to support the extra dependencies for the notification script to work, and I just realized that I am running the linuxserver.io container that they recently updated to allow the notify.py to work correctly.

  3. On 3/10/2022 at 10:16 AM, musicking said:

    Anyone have success getting the nzb-notify script to work? I see that SABNZBD is removing pushover support along with others in favor of nzb-notify.


    I get error "Notification script returned exit code 1 and output "Traceback (most recent call last): File "/config/scripts/nzb-notify/Notify.py", line 174, in <module> from nzbget import SCRIPT_MODE ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nzbget' ""


    I can console into the docker and run the script without issues :(

    Did you get the latest NZB-notify scripts listed on the bottom of this page? https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/configuration/3.5/notifications#nscript


    And did you chmod +x the Notify.py and Sabnzbd-notify.py in Terminal/Midnight Commander? (I did that also in my installation)

    See if you can pull up the Docker logs to see what the full error is...I also had to do that to make sure everything was working properly.

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