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None of the Above

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Posts posted by None of the Above

  1. Trying to set up binhex Plex but when it scans for movies it only finds 1 that it adds to the movie database but if I click on recently added it finds 3, I have over 400 movies. The movies are found just fine by 7mc and binhex Emby? Forgot to add that all my movies are ripped to individual folders, not .mkv or .iso.

  2. Unraid Version: 6.8.3

    Xenon E-5 1620v3

    Supermicro X10DRL-i Version 1.01

    16Gb ram (planning to get more)

    5 4Tb Seagate ST4000DM shucked drives

    64Gb OCZ Agility 3 cache (for now)

    EVGA 650 watt platinum power supply

    No VM's (yet)

    Dockers Paperless (inactive), Calibre (active), Firefox (active), Emby (inactive), Plex (active but malfunctioning), krusader (active)


    Hello I have been using Unraid  since some version of 3.x up to the last version 5.x as a file server without problems until my Athlon 64 motherboard died due to leaking capacitors right before the Ryzen release. So I went Xenon E-5 due to knowing there was going to be problems with Ryzen being new and cost. I've managed to find fixes for all problems except sleep which is an annoyance and this one which is serious. Starting 2 releases ago I noticed something using one entire core and moving between cores it turned out to be wsdd. At first this was just an annoyance requiring me to stop the array or later kill the process. This last time it happened while I was learning about and using various Dockers, downloading files in Firefox and transferring files from my laptop to the server. First one core went to 100% and I left it while I was waiting for my downloads to finish and was doing other things. Suddenly my downloads erred and when I checked all cores were at 100% all memory was used, the server was drawing over 600w, my UPS had faulted and my parity drive had red balled with thousands of write errors. I tried to run a smart test or an xfs filesystem test but it wouldn't let me even with the array stopped, (I didn't know it needed to be in maintenance mode, I'm used to windows), I then removed the parity drive from the array and it showed up as an unassigned drive. But I couldn't mount it, run a smart test or scan it for errors, thinking that the drive was dead I removed it from the server and tested it in a usb caddy and a windows 7 computer and it passed an extended smart test and surface scan twice with multiple programs. So I put it back in it's slot in the server and it's recognized in the bios but Unraid doesn't see it at all. I ran an extended smart tests on all 4 data drives and the cache, they passed. I then ran the default xfx filesystem check with the -n option on data disk 1 and it found (disconnected inodes to lost+found) errors. I presume the other 3 data disks and the parity drive have errors but I decided to stop and consult here before I screw up my data due to a lack of knowledge. I wsdd is causing so many problems for so many why hasn't it been disabled or removed by default until a fix is implemented?

    tower-syslog-20200601-0115.zip tower-diagnostics-20200602-0101.zip

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