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Posts posted by AceDaPig

  1. I'm having issues accessing the GUI to my container. I've completed switching over to the new NextGen for PIA, and have compelted Q22 in the FAQ. Attached is a quick grab from the logs. Not sure where to go from here.logs.txt


    Edited to move the logs.txt to the end of the message.

  2. 42 minutes ago, A75G said:

    I see they changed the port mapping 80 should be 8080 and 443 is 8443

    ill make the change to the template

    edit: they changed the volume too try the new template when templates update

    Thank you so much for checking in on it. How do I know when the template updates? Will I need to click the container and click update as well? Sorry a bit new to updates side of things.

  3. I'm having issues regarding the Moodle container, I can't seem to get to the Web UI. I have the MariaDB setup, the database created, the tables get created inside of the database. I have modified the httpd.conf inside of the apache conf folder, and the config.php inside of the bitnami/moodle folders. Inputting my IP for the host in both places. When I go to the ip:port I get a connection refused page. The log isn't pointing me in any direction showing a refused connection, so I'm not sure where to go from here. Any ideas?

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