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Posts posted by Annie

  1. UNRAID 6.11.1 installed.  Krusader Installed.  Plex installed Emby Installed


    I can access my unraid server audio and video files via smb from my laptop using 192.168.x.xxx address, and play any of the audio and video files on the server , with no problems.

    When I use the same 192.168.x.xxx address using the Unraid web interface (Firefox on the server) , it appears to be playing, with no audio or video for a few seconds and then I get audio and video errors


    When I try to play back audio or video files through Plex or Emby using the webgui I get errors also,


    Playback Error

    An error occurred trying to play "Al Hirt - Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain - Pete Fountain - (03m13s)".

    Error code: s3015 (Media)


    Do I need to add something to the server so when I am doing upgrades to my library, I can actually see and hear the files being played


  2. Remember this password stuff  started with my trying to change a user password and that password got applied to all users as well as the root, but using that password let me log in as root using the user password... now none of the passwords work


  3. Hello again, sorry for the late reply but family emergency took me away till now.

    I got home yesterday and fired up the server and then today I attempted to sign into the server.

    I say attempted because  ALL of my logins no longer work.  My test logins and all family logins do not work

    I get the invalid user name or password message to all.   Any suggestions??


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