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Posts posted by SpuriousIndices

  1. Hello!


    Trying to get this installed and running into the same error on multiple Unraid boxes - read through the instructions and feel like I've covered all bases... but we all know how that goes, guessing I'm missing something obvious. :)


    Only things I updated when installing in the template was changing the hostname to the IP ( and added a super secret key for signature - then hit apply. Each time coming up with a Postgres issue, looks like it's using the variable names and not the actual variable data if that makes sense. (ie shows 'DATABASE_URL' = ' postgresql://USERNAME:PASSWORD@HOST:IP/DATABASE_NAME ' for the command, and not the actual values.)


    As soon as the container is started after initial install, it immediately shuts down and will not startup. (didn't even boot up for the initial few minute delay for DB/container to populate) Below is what I'm seeing in the error log. Attempts to start it after that initial setup all fail with the same error.





    **UPDATE** Was able to get this resolved... was indeed something silly, didn't see the DATABASE_URL variable in the template... turns out I was missing the "Show more settings" at the bottom - heading here and removing the string for the DB made it work!  Happy to remove this post - figured might be helpful for anyone in the future pulling a "me", haha. :)




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  2. Not sure if this will be helpful for any future people, found this post while doing my own troubleshooting when this came up.


    Was just having this issue on my server "randomly", did all my typical reboots, trying different DNS servers (Google, OpenDNS, Cloudflaare, etc) to no avail....  was going through my mind and thinking of stuff that's changed recently and I use a PfSense firewall and had installed "Avahi" package recently to allow one network (hardwire) to Chromecast to my other network (WiFi) and haven't noticed any issues since installing it... until I logged into my server, a few weeks later.. of course. :)


    After removing the package and turning DNS to "manual" then back to "auto" seems to resolve it. (can also change it back to manual and works fine)


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