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Posts posted by MangoCats

  1. Thanks for the container - it's sooooo much easier than when I configured ZM by hand a few years ago.  Disclaimer: I am no docker expert, though I do play one on TV...


    I'm looking for the appdata/Zoneminder folder mentioned in the first post - on my host system (Ubuntu 18.04.4, docker 19.03.6) I've got a /usr/share/appdata and a /mnt/Zoneminder folder, in the container itself I'm not finding any folders named appdata or Zoneminder, using the command:


    sudo find / -type d -name 'Zoneminder'


    to look for folders and the command:


    sudo docker exec -it Zoneminder /bin/bash


    to get a CLI inside the running container...


    The ZM instance is running fine, accessible from http://localhost:8443/zm - but, I'd like to configure the zmeventnotification.ini file, and to do that I first have to find it... O.K. - doh! moment here:


    find / -type f -name 'zmeventnotification.ini'


    finds the file at: /config/ inside the container, and at /mnt/Zoneminder/ in the host - looks to be the same file.  Is there any preference for editing the file inside the running container, or outside in the host OS?  It looks like a test edit of the file on host side while the container is stopped is also seen on the file inside the container when it is running.





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