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Posts posted by forty2

  1. Yes, the field is currently validating that it has to be an IP address.  The issue for me is that I have my home network set up such that the local domain names are things like "hostname.home.domain.other.stuff".  If I just add the IP address to the DNS field, I can use those fully-qualified names, but I'd like to be able to use just "hostname".  Typically that's done by setting the DNS search domains, which Wireguard does actually support, but for some reason they've implemented it as an add-on to the DNS option instead of as its own option 😞  The end result is that the validation (which makes sense if the option is only for DNS servers) is preventing me from setting a related-but-separate option for search domains.

  2. It would be nice if there were a way to specify DNS search domains in the Wireguard peer config.  In the config file, it's specified as extra comma-separated values in the same `DNS=` field as peer DNS servers.  I'd hoped I could just add my search domain in that field, but apparently there's some form validation going on that won't allow me to type a domain name into that field.

  3. Great, thank you! What I'm trying to get working right now is joystick/gamepad input support.  If it is possible to do that with a plugin, that would obviously be preferable. I have a fair amount of experience building custom kernels and modules on other platforms, but I've never done it on Unraid before the last couple of days, and I also have no plugin dev experience.  So right now I'm just trying to muddle my way through and see what I can get working 🙂

  4. Are kernels built with the kernel helper docker compatible with the "regular" nvidia plugin?  In other words, if I want to build a kernel with support for some unrelated feature and I want my Nvidia card to keep working, do I have to set BUILD_NVIDIA to true, or can I set it to false and keep using the plugin?


    Also, I too am interested in getting sound drivers working on Unraid, so I'll send a quick PM about that.

  5. I've been using Unraid for a few years now, and I'm very happy with it.  But there is one thing that frustrates me every time I have to reboot (which admittedly isn't often, but my power was out this morning for longer than my UPS could handle...)


    I have a bunch of Docker containers set up, a few of which need to be directly connected to my local network (in other words, they have their own IP on my LAN).  I currently achieve this by connecting them to the automatically generated macvlan network, and everything's great.  The trouble is, after a reboot, those containers can't start automatically because they "remember" which network to connect to by its ID rather than its name, and when Unraid stops/starts the docker service, it deletes and recreates that network.  So after every reboot I have to go delete and recreate the containers that use it.


    I know Unraid can preserve user-defined networks across reboots, so my first thought was to simply manually create my own network and use that, but docker won't let you create two macvlan networks that have the same parent interface.  So that's a no-go.  I tried searching around in the forums and found some comments that implied that people had created multiple macvlan networks, but it was never the main topic of discussion, so it was never explained how they'd done it.


    I'm pretty much out of ideas, but today's power outage was enough to reignite my interest in finding a solution.  Anyone have any ideas for how I could make reboots less painful?

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