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Posts posted by elchorizo

  1. I still don't quite understand exactly how the parity system in Unraid works.


    I have 8 5TB drives. I was planning on putting 6 of them into the main array, and then 2 of them into parity 1 and parity 2. 


    Is this the proper way to set it up, then if any of the 6 main drives fail, the parity still covers the entire array?

  2. I've got Unraid working on 3 systems... I just picked up a new Dell G500 I want to put Unraid on but can't get the USB to boot. I've used the Unraid USB creation tool... it looks like it has all the necessary UEFI files, etc.


    I've disabled secure boot, all the Dell BIOS crap about boot order... did manual boot menu and it absolutely refuses to boot from the USB even though it sees the USB and the "file to boot from" in the BIOS. EFi-/boot/bootx64.efi


    Is there an alternate creation tool I can use? I've researched this and apparently Dell EFI will not goot if there is anything GPT partition related on the drive. Here's a thread related to it... https://www.dell.com/community/Inspiron/BIOS-Setting-to-boot-USB-UEFI-stick/td-p/6239562


    Edit, I just noticed in the Unraid creation tool under customize there is an enable EFI boot, I'm trying that on a smaller USB stick now. 


  3. I'm interested in running an UNRAID setup in the cloud. I'm here to ask if its possible. 


    I understand it is not recommended because the machine is only meant to be accessed from the private network. So adding a firewall in front of it would be my idea to deal with that.


    I could also have the main interface be on a VPN so I can access it, it would have NAT to the outside world to do updates and such, and then I can bind the services I want available to the wider internet to an interface that is connected to the public network.


    Has anyone played with this using either method?

  4. I recently got a new Unraid server going and everything seems to be  working fine. I have a Windows 10 VM running with USB and PCI pass through (GPU) working well. The only issue I've run into is that no matter what I do, when I either restart or shutdown the Windows 10 it only goes into the "paused" state. I've followed the videos to make the power profile correct but it did not make a difference. I can 'force stop' it from the Unraid VM management and that works fine, but it's kind of annoying. Anybody have any tips?

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