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Posts posted by 32Domi

  1. Alright guys, again two weeks later:
    I had memtest running with no error for some hours (default of memtest settings, 4 runs or so). 


    So the problems I'm stuck with:

    - A corrupted drive (got corrupted while it was beeing rebuilt after filesystem not unmountable)

    - A probably fine parity drive, that was taken offline by unraid, obviously because some cabling issue or so, as mentioned earlier.


    What would you guys suggest to do next?

  2. An eternity later, I'm finally able to deal with those problems with my Unraid (that's been offline and ignored for almost a month now).


    So what I'm trying to do today:

    * I tried running the parity drive on another SATA power line on the PSU, another SATA cable and another onboard SATA port of the mainboard. - Still disabled.

    * I swapped out the SATA controller with a suggested chipset, hoping it won't get me into trouble anymore.

    * I tried running Memtest, but it just won't start. If I select Memtest in the Unraid boot menu, it will just freeze for half a second and then restart.


    So what would you guys suggest to do now?


    Thx for your kind suggestions so far.

  3. Alright. I have run xfs_repair readonly with lots of errors like


    imap claims in-use inode 131 is free, would correct imap

    imap claims in-use inode 131 is free, would correct imap




    entry "NvidiaRecordings" in shortform directory 6446624898 references non-existent inode 78619225
    would have junked entry "NvidiaRecordings" in directory inode 6446624898


    Are there any suggestions how to deal with the Parity drive? Regarding power and Chipset, the only possibility beyond what I already tried is a usb SATA dock, that I have laying around. That's running of its own PSU and obviously usb controller. You think that might be helpful?


    EDIT: I guess the rebuilt drive is corrupt, it went through it so fast, there's no way it has rebuilt that 6TB drive in 10 minutes (which it did).

  4. Hey guys,

    I'm a litle confused with my Unraid server.

    So here is, what happened:
    After I installed another RAM-Kit in my Unraid saturday evening, I got hours later (in the middle of the night) an "Unmountable: No file system" Error on disk3. After googling and searching here, I found the common advice trying to fix it using xfs_repair.

    Did that yesterday, looked fine, but unraid wouldn't stop the array or shutdown, while stuck at "sync filesystem".


    I let it run over night, thought, maybe it would finally get it one time, but it didn't.

    Today I managed to shut it down via terminal and tried to let it rebuild the disk on itself (using unraids advice to start the array without the drive and restart it with the drive again).

    But now the parity drive gives me an error. So now I'm pretty stuck and don't know what to do.


    Find attached the diagnostics from tonight, when I tried to shut it down and from now, a few minutes ago.

    I hope to find advice.


    Thanks to everyone looking into this.

    unraid-diagnostics-20210315-1427.zip unraid-diagnostics-20210315-0115.zip

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  5. 55 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    You should post your system's diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnowtics) so we can get a better idea if the state of your system.


    Some questions:

    • Do you have any drives showing as unmountable in the Main tab?
    • Didi you at any time while trying to recover the drive use the format option (hopefully not).
    • Do you still have the original drive intact as it was at the point you removed it from the array?

    Find attached the diagnostics zip


    • I have not now, as mentioned earlier, I had, so I replaced the drive
    • I'm not sure if I actually did format it while trying to rebuild the array with the old drive. I considered it but I'm not sure, if I really did (it was wednesday night at.. 1:30 or so).
    • I have the drive next to me, I only tried to mount it with a xfs tool (without any succsess), but nothing else.

    Thanks in advance


  6. Hi everybody,


    I have a question regarding parity and rebuilding a defective drive. I had assumingly a corrupted drive (or at least a drive failure according to unraid dashboard). So I got myself a new drive and swapped it in but now two days later I see, that at least one, I guess two shares are completely empty.

    I would like to understand how this could happen, although I have a parity drive? Everything is back green now in Unraid, but, as I said, the entire content of one share is missing.

    Please don't tell me, to have backups, I have a backup that I'm currently rolling back for the more important share, but I would rather like to understand, how this happened.
    Is it possible, that parity data was written, while the drive was already partly corrupted? Is there (even if I have the most important things) a way to get anything of the data? To me it's even unclear, what exactly is wrong with that drive, it's a 9 months old WD Red (EFAX).


    Best regards, maybe someone can help me out (at least to understand the problem).


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