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Posts posted by caseyparsons

  1. On 6/14/2022 at 3:57 AM, binhex said:

    see Q5:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/unraid.md


    p.s. the only reason this didnt work for @caseyparsons is because he was looking at minecraft java tagged docker images for minecraft bedrock, if he had used the right tags it would of worked.

    Oh, I didn't realize I was looking at the tags for the wrong version. But got it now. Thanks! Unfortunately, my son likes to play on his amazon fire tablet sometimes and wants to be able to use his PC other times, but I guess I'm gathering that the two clients can't coexist on a server.

  2. Sorry for the noob question.

    Current server version is 1.19.10-beta20. My son's PC client version is 1.19.0. When he tries to log in, he gets the error "Could not connect: outdated client!".


    How do I specify a server version that matches his client version? How do you keep these in sync?


    I saw this tags page so I tried to input 1.19-01 as part of the repo. So I entered "binhex/arch-minecraftbedrockserver:1.19-01" as the repository, but then the docker fails. I get this error in the Update Container page: "docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for binhex/arch-minecraftbedrockserver:1.19-01 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown."


    Is my syntax wrong? Is this not the right way to specify a specific version?


    I searched (a bunch) for the answers but just couldn't find what I needed. Thanks!


    Or should I not be using Bedrock version? 

  3. Sorry for the noob question.

    Current server version is 1.19.10-beta20. My son's PC client version is 1.19.0. When he tries to log in, he gets the error "Could not connect: outdated client!".


    How do I specify a server version that matches his client version? How do you keep these in sync?


    I saw this tags page so I tried to input 1.19-01 as part of the repo. So I entered "binhex/arch-minecraftbedrockserver:1.19-01" as the repository, but then the docker fails. I get this error in the Update Container page: "docker: Error response from daemon: manifest for binhex/arch-minecraftbedrockserver:1.19-01 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown."


    Is my syntax wrong? Is this not the right way to specify a specific version?


    I searched (a bunch) for the answers but just couldn't find what I needed. Thanks!

  4. 8 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Looking at your ethtool.txt file, it says you have two Ethernet adapters (one an Intel and the other a RealTek) installed and neither one has a link established to a switch/router.  I would be checking the cabling and where you have plugged in those cable(s).    (Personally, in this type of situation, I would connect every RJ-45 connector to a switch until I got it sorted out.)

    OK good call on this. The motherboard actually has two integrated NICs. One is a 1Gb and one is 2.5Gb. I was only cabled to the 1Gb, but am now cabled to both - but no improvement yet. Thanks for the idea.

  5. Hi friends,

    I've been very happy with my unraid server for many years. Today I upgraded my motherboard to the MSI B560 Torpedo, CPU to i5-11400, and new RAM. These replaced a Ryzen 5 1500af and GTX 960 GPU. After fiddling with the UEFI boot settings in the BIOS I can finally get unRaid to boot but not get to a good running state.


    I get all the way through the scrolling loading stuff and to the login prompt. The server states that the IPv4 address is, which is what I had previously configured in the GUI. However, the server is not available on the network. I can't ping to it, and I can't ping out of it from the console. It will ping itself, but nothing outside the NIC. I tried to boot into GUI (and safe mode with GUI) but the GUI never loads, I just get a flashing cursor. I do see some modprobe errors, which I assume temp sensor errors because I switched CPU and no longer using nvidia, but all those plugins are still installed. I figured I would clean that up after, but hopefully not causing the error.


    What can I try now? Attached is a diagnostics file that I initiated from console then pulled off the USB. For some reason the date says yesterday but I definitely ran it today.


    Thank you!


  6. 4 hours ago, Vesko said:

    Thank you for the advice i reinstall with mongo:4.4.3 and now works i will never update if works like this.

    Dont see point to update until works normal .Updates brakes things:)



    Hmm I tried this but didn't work for me. Just got new errors. This seems to be the important part:

    {"t":{"$date":"2021-02-18T12:35:47.675-05:00"},"s":"W", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22347, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade."}


  7. 3 hours ago, odiby said:

    Hi, I just updates to the latest version, all settings to default.




    Now the container does not start anymore. The log shows the message:


    BadValue: security.keyFile is required when authorization is enabled with replica sets
    try 'mongod --help' for more information


    How can I fix this. thx

    Having the same problem after update.

  8. On 12/31/2019 at 6:38 PM, Timmy said:

    Hey Guys. im trying to get my P2000 working for plex transcoding. i just installed the Unraid Nvidia plugin and it gets stuck on the Updating available builds screen.  any ideas?


    im running 6.8.0 


    I'm quoting this old comment because that's how I found this thread from a Google search. I'm just posting to help searchers in the future.


    After installing the unraid-nvidia plug-in, visiting the settings page, and then clicking the Unraid Nividia link, I would get stuck at "Updating available builds". To resolve this, I did nothing else but changed my MTU to 1500. I had previously changed it to 9214 to accomplish something different. Changing it to 1500 let the process to update the page complete after about a minute.


    Hope that helps someone!

  9. The utility is showing all of my disks except for one. On the right side at the top it says "1 new drive detected. (sdb)", which is the drive that is missing. I have re-scanned controllers multiple times but it keeps showing the same. The missing drive (sdb) is a WD Red 3TB WDC_WD30EFRX-68EUZN0. I have three of this identical drive and it's finding the others, just not this one. The missing drive is seen in the array, storaing data, no errors, passing SMART, and appears healthy. I have six drives plugged into the motherboad sata ports, including the one missing sbd. I also have a PCI sata card with 1 drive that is showing up fine.

  10.   I ended up implementing a sync of array data between machines at two different houses using scripts and cron jobs based on the rsync command. I am using the bandwidth limit feature of rsync, as well as QOS on my routers, so that the sync does not interfere with the "normal" use of the network at each house. This approach is for the data only, and does not cover the unRAID OS or plugins, but having "just" the data sync is a huge benefit. The mirroring of my media libraries at my second home, and off-site backup of critical data are both very useful/valuable.

      Because my bandwidth is somewhat limited at my houses (12dn/5up at primary residence, 8dn/1up at second home), turning the bandwidth used for the sync, as well as using QOS on the routers is a critical part of having a scheme that does not consume the available network entirely when it is desired to use the network for other "normal" uses. I can certainly see that such a sync feature would be a great feature to add to unRAID down the road , but when the sync is remote, and bandwidth is limited, such a feature would have to have lots of option settings (and disclaimers to the users about potential issues) to produce the desired result.


    Care to do a detailed write-up? Many other users could benefit from your experience.

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