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Posts posted by Pug

  1. i have no idea what caused it, but mine seems to be ok (fingers crossed).  I had a drive go dodgy, which i am rebuilding, and i also changed some settings in my router (but then changed them back again as it seems to make things worse) but opun doing so it seems like it is always up.  COnfused honestly, if relieved (for now)

  2. Hi all,


    Sorry i am somewhat new to this, even though i have been using it for years (it just worked to date!).


    I have 2 x UNRAID installs each running on HP Microservers (old ones with Turion II N40L CPUs).  I only use it to serve files to a Plex client running on a separate system on the LAN, so their lack of power hasn't been an issue, and i haven't changed the hardware ever.


    Recently one of the servers has been causing me issues.  Specifically, one minute you can connect to the GUI over the LAN on a device (phones or windows PC) and all works well, then the next it timesout/no connection.  Wait a bit, and it comes back. 


    It also manifests itself in plex, a film will start working, and then it disconnects and say's media not available.  I have also seen my library reduced in number of titles...


    I run them headless, though plugging a monitor in i only see CLI, and can't get the GUI running (inpuits at boot dont work).


    It was running 6.10.something.


    I think one of the HDDs may be dodgy, but even unplugging that doesn't work.  Things i've tried (that have made no difference):


    - copied across the bz* etc files to update it to 6.12.6

    - changed the network cable (and port on the switch)

    - installed the drives and Flash drive into a different PC, and setup the server on that


    I am looking for a flash drive to try and rule out a corrupt mem stick, but i am skeptical that this is the issue.   Any suggestions/ideas - i thought the new hardware would solve it but alas not...




    I have changed one thing on my network recently, and i am hesitant to go in to it because i don't think it can be the issue, and its complex (and i am working on it).  But basically i have 2 x 5G modems connecting to a Draytek Vigor router, which is bonding the 2 connections to one, and load sharing between the two.  I changed one of these modems recently, and it MAY coincide timewise with the issue.  BUT they do not do any routing, they exist on a separate part of the network (main is 192.168.0... these are on 192.168.10 and 192.168.20 and so i see no reason why this could be linked to the issue...

  3. Hi all,


    Today I got a read error on one disk in my 5 disk array and have no clue if its time for a new disk or not a big deal.


    It's a 2TB Samsung drive and I have 108 read errors.  I did a short SMART test and it passed.


    Nothing critical is on the array (mainly just movies/TV shows).


    I am happy to provide any logs just ask what you need (and how I get it).


    Really appreciate any help!

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