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Posts posted by Phonejudgement

  1. 5 hours ago, Darksurf said:

    It could be the script ripper.sh. special characters tend to need to be broken out with a "\" before they're allowed to be used in bash/shell scripts etc. You might take a look and see if you can edit the script by copying the cd ripping line that creates the folder and statically name the folder and comment out the original line.

    Thanks! I'll try that and see how it goes. 

  2. Hey! I'm having some trouble with ripper. Can't get it to work for CDs that has either artist or album name with special characters (å, ä, ö, [ ] etc) . It tries to rip, but it seems it is unable to create the folders. CDs with only regular characters work fine. Is it something with my config? 

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