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Posts posted by Zeee

  1. 15 hours ago, Trevo525 said:

    Out of nowhere my container is messing up. I've had it running with no problem for months and now I am getting a bunch of errors.


    [01.03.2021 08:56:39] WebUI started.
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] _cloudflare: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (python).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] _task: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] autotools: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] create: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] datadir: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] history: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] loginmgr: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] ratio: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] retrackers: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] rss: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] rutracker_check: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] scheduler: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] trafic: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] unpack: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] xmpp: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (php).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] _task: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (pgrep).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] mediainfo: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (mediainfo).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] rss: Some functionality will be unavailable. rTorrent user can't access external program (curl).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] screenshots: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (ffmpeg).
    [01.03.2021 08:56:42] spectrogram: Plugin will not work. rTorrent user can't access external program (sox).
    [01.03.2021 11:40:31] The request to rTorrent has timed out.


    That is from the log of the webui. Is anyone else having this issue or is it just me?


    edit: I should also add that I can no longer use those plugins. So i can't move files in rutorrent because the plugin that adds "save to" to the right click menu is not loaded. It's pretty frustrating because I have been moving files recently and this has brought that to a full stop.

    No, it's not just you. I've had the same problem crop up in just the past few days with the container previously working fine for months.


    I've tried starting the container fresh with just my VPN details and I still get this problem. So, I think something more sinister is going on.

  2. 19 hours ago, binhex said:


    18 hours ago, Katherine said:

    I was using the "PPTP/L2TP/SOCKS" username and password which starts with an x--------.

    With the next-gen network, PIA wants everyone to use their login username and password which start with p--------. Once I switched credentials, I was able to authenticate right away.

    Well, damn. I feel like a right idiot. Thank you both! Got it working.


    I'll go and hang my head in shame over there -----> somewhere...

    • Haha 1
  3. On 11/3/2020 at 12:26 PM, Katherine said:

    I received the message in the log to switch to PIA's next-gen network:

    VPN configuration file '/config/openvpn/openvpn.ovpn' 'remote' line is referencing PIA legacy network which is now shutdown, see Q19. from the following link on how to switch to PIA 'next-gen':- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md exiting script...

    I downloaded the next-gen ovpn config file from the link in the FAQ. I used the same credentials.conf as my previous settings but replaced everything else. This my ovpn file:

    dev tun
    proto udp
    remote de-berlin.privacy.network 1198
    resolv-retry infinite
    cipher aes-128-cbc
    auth sha1
    remote-cert-tls server
    auth-user-pass credentials.conf
    verb 1
    crl-verify crl.rsa.2048.pem
    ca ca.rsa.2048.crt

    For some reasons, I am unable to connect and I keep getting AUTH_FAILED error in a loop which freezes the Unraid webui.

    DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED
    DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    SIGTERM[soft,auth-failure] received, process exiting

    Has anyone encountered this problem?

    I've been having this problem for what feels like weeks now. No matter what I do I cannot get it to auth. But when I went back to the old-gen network, everything worked fine. Here's what I've tried:

    • downloaded many versions of the NextGen.zip with all the ovpn files in it
    • tried many different .ovpn files in the .zip
    • generating a new password from the PIA site and updating the docker parameters
    • modding the .ovpn to remove the built in CA and CRL and use the files
    • modding the .ovpn file to specifically include "credentials.conf" nest to "auth-user-pass"
    • deleted the perms.txt file and restarted
    • completely cleared out the containers' volume on the drive and started again

    I could really use some advice on what I'm doing wrong. Why is the nextgen network rejecting my credentials?

    Here's the .ovpn file:

    dev tun
    proto udp
    remote ca-toronto.privacy.network 1198
    resolv-retry infinite
    cipher aes-128-cbc
    auth sha1
    remote-cert-tls server
    auth-user-pass credentials.conf
    verb 1
    reneg-sec 0
    crl-verify crl.rsa.2048.pem
    ca ca.rsa.2048.crt

    Here's my docker-compose:

          - NET_ADMIN
        image: "binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn:latest"
        container_name: "torrent"
        hostname: "torrent"
        restart: "always"
        network_mode: "bridge"
          - <ports>
          - <volumes>
          - VPN_ENABLED=yes
          - VPN_USER=<user>
          - VPN_PASS=<password>
          - VPN_PROV=pia
          - STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=yes
          - ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes
          - ENABLE_AUTODL_IRSSI=yes
          - ENABLE_RPC2=yes
          - ENABLE_RPC2_AUTH=yes
          - ENABLE_WEBUI_AUTH=no
          - RPC2_USER=<password>
          - RPC2_PASS=<password>
          - LAN_NETWORK=
          - NAME_SERVERS=,
          - PHP_TZ=<timezone>
          - TZ=<timezone>

    Any help would be really appreciated.

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