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Posts posted by Malaki

  1. 31 minutes ago, wgstarks said:

    Nevermind. I see that's what you already have set.

    I did double-check those. I tried the binhex/qbittorrent container just for fun. I set it up using the same info - VPN settings, name servers, etc. - it connected right up. Switching back to deluge, I got an auth failed message so I double-checked the password. It's now back to the same error...

    warn] Response code 000 from curl != 2xx
    [warn] Exit code 7 from curl != 0


    I'm assuming that binhex is using the same openvpn client on both so I'll keep working with the deluge container. I'm sure it's a user error somewhere, I might just just from scratch with it. At least qbittorent works, so that might become my go-to system.


    Thanks wgstarks, it was one of your other comments about qbittorrent that prompted me to try that.

  2. I can't seem to get around this error...

    2020-11-06 12:26:17,597 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Port forwarding is enabled
    [info] Checking endpoint 'ca-toronto.privacy.network' is port forward enabled...
    2020-11-06 12:26:17,604 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to curl https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/servers?version=82...
    2020-11-06 12:26:18,184 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Curl successful for https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/vpninfo/servers?version=82, response code 200
    2020-11-06 12:26:18,309 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] PIA endpoint 'ca-toronto.privacy.network' is not in the list of endpoints that support port forwarding, DL/UL speeds maybe slow
    [info] Please consider switching to one of the endpoints shown below
    2020-11-06 12:26:18,311 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] List of PIA endpoints that support port forwarding:-
    2020-11-06 12:26:18,312 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] ca-montreal.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] ca-vancouver.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] de-berlin.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] de-frankfurt.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] france.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] czech.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] spain.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com
    [info] Attempting to get dynamically assigned port...
    2020-11-06 12:26:18,346 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to curl
    2020-11-06 12:26:18,420 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Response code 000 from curl != 2xx
    [warn] Exit code 7 from curl != 0
    [info] 12 retries left
    [info] Retrying in 10 secs...

    I have been through the faq and have done the following:

    Updated the container, downloaded the next gen files from PIA, changed my password to alphanumeric only, and tried multiple sites (Montreal, Toronto, Berlin, Frankfurt, Romania, France).


    The only change that seems to help is to set STRICT_PORT_FORWARD to no. Is that a potential risk to do that or is it more for performance?


    Could curl exit code 7 be related to name servers? Mine are set to:,,,,,,,


    I appreciate any advice, I'm nearing my wit's end.

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