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Posts posted by huapi

  1. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    eth0 is the main Unraid NIC, it must be connected/configured, if it's not working you can make eth1 > eth0, bottom of the network settings page, then reboot.

    thanks for your feedback


    eth1 is on a temporary useing pci-e NIC card, i prefer eth0 which is on bord.

    another porblem is when i use eth1, i can not access apps market/ docker update/ plugin udate

  2. Hi guys,


    when my unraid run under 6.10.3, the eth0, NIC in board, worked properly. I updated my Unraid to 6.11.5, eth0 can not get ip, and cable light on board is NOT flashing. Then, i roll-back to 6.10.3, the etho worked again.

    Now i added one PCI-e NIC and can get IP address but cannot access to Community Applications .


    Is there anything i can do with my Unraid setting?






  3. On 10/23/2022 at 4:57 AM, chris smashe said:

    I have fixed the problem, I think. So far, so good. I wanted to try everything before I started updating the hardware, so I found and updated my bios for my motherboard to the latest version available. I still have some iowaits that go up to the 50’s in certain situations, but so far, nothing I have thrown at it has locked up the server while trying to complete an awaited task.


    Most situations that I have tested still allowed me to transfer my test file at full speed with no degradation of speed even if there was an io wait reported. The 2 situations in which I was able to make the speed slow down slightly were if tdar was transcoding multiple files (3 at a time plus any 1 copy could be running) or if plex was detecting intros. Both of those situations made my transfer speed drop about 20% at most, but it no longer drops to 0 and locks up the server until the io catches up. I would like to have little to no iowaits but I will take having the server always respond without issue as a win for now.


    While trying to figure this out the past 2 days, I found multiple posts about people having the same issues, but none of the posts have solutions, so I want to post what helped me here.

    First, update your bios if there is an update. Something about the bios my server was using (which was old) and btfs did not work well together. This fixed my issue so save yourself 2 days and try this first.


    If that does not fix your issue, the couple of things you can do to try and diagnose what is causing it are


    First, install glances from apps. It’s an easy way to view the iowait and show tasks that are using your cpu and you can watch/log iowaits while you try different scenarios. You can get the same information with the top command, but glances made it easier to view, and it logs the last 9 warning/critical issues.


    Next, run the iostat with the following command: iostat -hymx 1 4

    This will give you a response like below. Look to see if any disks have 100% usage, as I had below. If you do, that is the disk that is having issues.



    Next, install disk speed from apps and run the benchmark on that drive. In my case, the drive looked fine when I ran the benchmark without other things turned on, but that helped me rule out the disk (somewhat since I still thought we could have a disk issue).


    Lastly, install nerd tools, and then inside nerd tools, install iotop. After you install iotop run it using the command:  iotop -o

    This will list out all the tasks that are using io in real-time. Keep it open and do things on your server that cause it to have a high iowait percentage to see what task is causing the problem. In my case, it was the btfs worker (shown in the youtube video linked in this thread), so if my bios update did not work, I was going to swap out the cache drive and change the drive from btfs to xfs as a last resort.


    If iotop is not showing the percentage and shows unavailable, run the following command and then run iotop again. It might still show unavailable for a minute, but then it started showing for me.

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/task_delayacct



    Hopefully, this helps anyone else having this issue. If it starts happening again i will open this thread back up.



    hi chris, how do you run iotop and ipstat on unraid? eventhough, i cant use yum to install these command.


  4. 26 minutes ago, SimonF said:

    Have you tried the file activity plugin?

    Hi Simon


    thanks for your advice. 

    i install the plugin. initially, it monitor nothing. I am afraid perhaps there is something wrong on my side. so i intentionally triggered one file reading and it was recorded by plugin sucessfully.



    so something weird there.  the process just take a peek on disks without any file reading so that make disks quit the spin down. like annoying kids, isn't it? 😅

  5. Background:

    Version 6.10.3 - plus; Test under Disable Docker and Vms

    My disks used to be able to auto spin down before. But after some setting changed(not sure), my disks never auto spin down, and they will "wake up" soon after I manually forced spin down.

    Reason is that some process make reading on all my disks periodiccally at very small and same amount of data.



    1、Is there any method that I can use to find out which process involved in disks IO. I tried to search google, and it says "topio" command can make some helps. but this one is not included in Unraids system, neither yum installing.
    2、Or, if someone can catch out suspicious process or piont out wrong setting based on my diagnostics file, i would really really appreciate. 



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