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Posts posted by Salted11

  1. The docker has been working very well for the last few months.  Yesterday I spun it up and when accessing the GUI, it "fails to connect to server."

    The logs are:

    2023-12-25 09:22:30,699 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 274
    2023-12-25 09:22:30,727 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:22:33,645 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 318
    2023-12-25 09:22:33,674 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:22:37,652 INFO spawned: 'xorg' with pid 368
    2023-12-25 09:22:37,681 WARN exited: xorg (exit status 1; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:22:38,682 INFO gave up: xorg entered FATAL state, too many start retries too quickly
    2023-12-25 09:22:59,742 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:22:59,742 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:22:59,743 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 638
    2023-12-25 09:22:59,745 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 639
    2023-12-25 09:22:59,759 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:22:59,760 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 646
    2023-12-25 09:23:00,765 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2023-12-25 09:23:00,765 INFO success: desktop entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2023-12-25 09:23:00,765 INFO success: sunshine entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2023-12-25 09:23:00,765 INFO reaped unknown pid 652 (exit status 0)
    2023-12-25 09:23:29,870 WARN exited: x11vnc (exit status 11; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:23:29,870 WARN exited: sunshine (exit status 11; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:23:29,870 WARN exited: desktop (exit status 11; not expected)
    2023-12-25 09:23:29,872 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 1011
    2023-12-25 09:23:29,873 INFO spawned: 'desktop' with pid 1012
    2023-12-25 09:23:29,874 INFO spawned: 'sunshine' with pid 1013


    Not sure what's changed.  I recently updated to 6.12.6, but nothing else is having an issue.

  2. Good day.  Have enjoyed using this container for a year or so.  It now hangs on start, with the following error:


    OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/books/calibre_test_case_sensitivity.txt'


    I cannot find a .txt file in my /books folder and am not sure how to proceed.  Should I uninstall and reinstall?


    I appreciate your time.


    UPDATE:  It looks like the Calibre docker updated to 7.0 (and beyond) and now it's working again...  Thanks to the devs for all their hard work!

  3. I recently transitioned to using an OPNSense deployment on my home network.  I've followed several tutorials for getting things setup and almost everything appears to be working.  What is not is the NGINX Proxy Manager container services from my unRAID server.  I have the NPM set up according to the Ibracorp tutorial (except including Authelia). I use duckdns.org - generated subdomains in concert with the duckdns container.  I cannot access these subdomains anymore, getting a "took too long to respond."  Troubleshooting I've done so far:


    - there are no errors registered in the NPM log upon startup.  On the Web GUI, all the proxy hosts show as "online;"

    - I've verified the duckdns API is correct;

    - the containers associated with the subdomains are working and accessible through my LAN (e.g. I access calibre-web through the unraid IP and assigned port);

    - I've forwarded the ports through the OPNSense NAT page according to tutorials.  Other port forwards work (e.g. unRAID Wireguard service and VM Wake-on-LAN work).  I've selected NAT reflection and corresponding firewall rules;

    -I've pinged the subdomains and the pings no errors came back; and

    -I've also shut down NPM and installed SWAG.  No errors when it is up and running, but I get the same results (no access to the subdomains).


    What I think is happening is there's something going on with Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.  During troubleshooting, when I tried to delete and re-create an SSL certificate, I got the following error:  "Communication with the API failed, is NPM running correctly?"  Then the container crashes.


    I've not had any issues with NPM up until my recent transition to OPNSense.  I cannot get access through SWAG either, so I'm assuming something is preventing the SSL certificates from doing their thing.  Has anyone seen this before or is there any insight that can be provided based on what I've provided?  


    I appreciate your time.

    Let's Encrypt Error.png

    NPM SSL crash error.png

    NPM docker setup.png

    NPM Status (GUI).png

    OPNSense Port Forwards.png

    Unbound overrides.png

  4. I'm just discovering this container and am very excited.  I was very impressed at how much "more" it was than simply Steam Headless.  With options for Epic and Gog installs, I'm hoping this will be the linux gaming solution I was hoping for rather than SteamOS 3.


    I'm not very Linux savvy, is there a way to install drivers for extra peripherals?  As an example, I use a G13 gaming board and with my Windows VM, leverage VirtualHere to pass through the USB from my nvidia Shield Pro.  I've found this linux driver:  



    There are lots of commands in the link to bring this driver to a linux instance, but am not sure how that would work with this container (or if it can).


    Is it possible to add peripherals like a G13 to this container?  I appreciate your time.

  5. For some reason, my homeassistant container (linuxserver) interferes with starting sonarr.  I run homeassistant 24/7, but only engage sonarr intermittently.  When I try to start it, I get the standard "Execution Error."  If I stop the homeassistant container, I can start sonarr, and then restart homeassistant without any problem.  This won't work if I simply pause homeassistant.  The other arr containers work normally.


    Has anyone seen this kind of "mutual interference" before?


    Thanks for your time.

  6. I ran QDirStat and realized that the cache.db for my readarr was just over 3 Gb!  This is by far the largest file amongst my other dockers (which includes other "arr" containers).


    I haven't changed much from default in setting it up.  I do have over 3000 ebooks.  Is this a function of that number?  is there any way I can shrink/control the size of that cache?


    Thanks for your time.

  7. Good day, I'm not sure if this has been covered elsewhere in this thread.


    My delugevpn logs consistently say: "/config/wireguard/wg0.conf' is world accessible"


    I've checked the internet and the FAQ for this docker, but I'm not sure how this translates to managing it in unRaid.  I'm a PIA user, what changes do I need to make to the wg0.conf file?  I've seen a solution for "chmod 600" to this file, but how do I do that for this docker running in unraid?


    I appreciate your time.

  8. The LazyLibrarian GUI continually fails to load on my browser.  Error codes from the logs are pasted below:


    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:1020: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'www.howsmyssl.com'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:47 - INFO :: MAIN : __init__.py:build_genres:1919 : Loaded genres from /app/lazylibrarian/example.genres.json
    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:1020: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'bootswatch.com'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:49 - INFO :: MAIN : __init__.py:build_bookstrap_themes:1904 : Bookstrap found 16 themes
    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:1020: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'lazylibrarian.gitlab.io'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
    /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:1020: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host 'gitlab.com'. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:51 - INFO :: MAIN : versioncheck.py:logmsg:42 : Lazylibrarian is up to date
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:52 - WARNING :: MAIN : LazyLibrarian.py:main:251 : Unrecognised version [0b44252f] to force upgrade delete /config/cache/version.txt
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:52 - INFO :: MAIN : LazyLibrarian.py:main:269 : Apprise library (0.9.1) installed
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:52 - INFO :: MAIN : LazyLibrarian.py:main:286 : Starting LazyLibrarian on port: 5299, webroot "http"
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:52 - INFO :: MAIN : webStart.py:initialize:69 : Starting LazyLibrarian web server on
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:52 - WARNING :: MAIN : webStart.py:initialize:246 : Failed to start on port: 5299. Is something else running?
    06-Apr-2021 17:06:52 - WARNING :: MAIN : webStart.py:initialize:247 : Port 5299 is in use on ''; perhaps the previous httpserver did not shut down properly.
    Lazylibrarian (pid 609) is starting up...
    Failed to start on port: 5299. Is something else running?
    Port 5299 is in use on ''; perhaps the previous httpserver did not shut down properly.


    I can confirm that port 5299 is not used by any other docker.  All the WebGUIs of my other dockers (Plex, Deluge, MakeMKV) seem to work properly.


    Thanks for your time.

  9. All,


    I've been very pleased with running a headless gaming machine with Win10 VM.  One issue I've run into, which is a manageable thing but an odd one, is that Nvidia Geforce Experience doesn't want to "open" into a manipulatable window.  It starts up and it does it's job in the background (ie: I can use Moonlight on my Nvidia Shield to play the games associated with Gamestream).  The only way to get it to actually open to make changes though is to reinstall it.  After reinstallation, it's open and available for manipulation, but after I minimize it to the task bar, it won't open again (but continues to work properly).


    I've done some research on this problem and most of the solutions available seem to come from earlier days with Windows 8.1 or early versions of 10.  One recurring solution speaks to restarting the service in service.msc.  I've noted that the present version on both my Win10 laptop (where the Geforce Experience opens properly) and the Win10 VM do not have Nvidia Geforce Experience listed as a service.  I've attached screen shots to demonstrate.


    Is anyone having a similar issue and have there been any newer solutions to getting Nvidia Geforce Experience to open in a Windows 10 VM?


    Thanks for your time.



    Win10 VM.png

  10. There have been several threads regarding enabling QSV support with the unraid i915 drivers.  The github notes (and what happened when I got things going) says that there is only a H264 (QSV) available.  Will a H265 (QSV) be available as well, or have I missed a setting?

    • Like 1
  11. All,


    I appreciate everyone's assistance.  It turns out the solution was (somewhat embarassingly) a matter of patience on my part.


    The comments from olddirtdog got me thinking.  The placement of my files was correct; I had set up in tandem an ubooquity for the same files.  I've used yacreader for years but recently moved away from Apple products (with the exception of one tablet that I still use) and ubooquity with Kaboo is a great option for Android.  When I followed olddirtdog's advice to try to setup yacreader within a VM, the program worked correctly (ie: the library was created and visible) but I remarked how long it took to run through all of the files.


    This, coupled with xthursdayx's comment to "ignore the 7z warning" made me realize that I had been cancelling the original operation, thinking there was a persistent error and thus did not even let the library creation run its course.


    Thus, using the yacreader docker, I repeated "step 2a" and ignoring the persistent errors being raised on the Command Line, waited a similar amount of time and now have a library.


    Again, thanks for the feedback, it was very useful.

  12. I've had a lot of success with Ubooquity on my Raspberry Pi, accessing files through the Kuboo android app.  I wish to switch to the unraid platform for the added flexibility and storage.  I've set up the docker and can access everything correctly through the webUI (both with the "standard" port and the admin port).  I've enabled OPDS in the advanced server settings. However, when trying to access through the Kuboo app, I continually get "Server not available."


    Reading through this forum, I have attempted to set up the Kuboo app to access the unraid docker via xx:2202/ubooquity/opds-comics/ but it does not seem to work.  I've also tried xx:2202/ubooquity/comics/opds-comics noting the specific urls used by the webUI.  I'm running my unraid on a static IP, reserved through my router.


    Has anyone found success with Kuboo accessing an unraid docker version of Ubooquity?

  13. I'm having difficulty creating a library with the YacReaderLibraryServer docker.  I've typed in "step 2a" into the console and it returns with an error:

    "! _7z.c:200: 7z support requires 7z SDK (define HAVE_7Z)" over and over.


    I've googled "7z SDK for Unraid" and haven't turned up anything.  I've installed (what I think is) the 7zip plug-in from the Nerd Pack but this didn't fix the issue.


    I'm new to Unraid so would appreciate an assist.


    Thanks in advance for your time.

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