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Posts posted by mdoherty66

  1. This is less a question for this specific container, but applies none the less, so hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


    I have a bunch of containers running through binhex-qbittorrentvpn, and they work fine, the problem is when I need to specify a custom port for a container that I am lost. For example, lets say I want to route Tor-Browser container through this container as well, it has a default port of 8080, and once I remove the custom port definition in the template, it will no longer honour the customized port. Is there a way around this? Some applications I can setup, go into their own GUI and customize the port and it works, but for apps like the aforementioned Tor-Browser, I can't customize the port, so it defaults.



  2. On 8/22/2023 at 12:48 PM, Djoss said:

    This is probably the issue.  This changes mount points inside the container and for some reason causes CloudBerry Backup to not detect /storage.  Issue has been reported multiple times to the company, but so far no fix from them.

    Have they seriously STILL not addressed this issue?


    /storage still does not show up, and I refuse to move back to btrfs just for that.

  3. On 12/14/2023 at 10:25 PM, KluthR said:

    @mdoherty66 Looks odd. Whats the command?

    Figured it out, for anyone else reading this that might have a similar issue, the fix was saving the script properly as a Unix Script in Notepad++. It was saving in Windows format which put some weird characters at the beginning, causing the script to fail.

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  4. 21 hours ago, mdoherty66 said:

    I know this was mentioned before, and maybe you have implemented something in the beta, or I am doing something wrong, but my backups always complete with "root" as the owner and no read/write permissions.


    I have a script setup to run after the backup completes with the following (2 servers backup here -- Tower & Control):

    "chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
    chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server
    chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
    chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server"


    I believe this will work in the meantime, just wondering if there is a fix for this perhaps?



    20 hours ago, KluthR said:

    Issue is known yes but not fixed yet. This and the no archive option are still missing but on my todo! A future beta will have it. I try to finish it asap.


    Okay thanks!


    Hoping someone can possibly help me out in the meantime, as my ownership/permissions script is not working. When I manually run the commands, it works fine, but when I try to run them in the script, I get the following:


    "chown: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Tower Server'$'\r': No such file or directory
    chown: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Control Server'$'\r': No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Tower Server'$'\r': No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access '/Unraid Appdata Backup/Control Server'$'\r': No such file or directory"


    I'm sure I am just doing something wrong, so any help would be greatly appreciated!



  5. I know this was mentioned before, and maybe you have implemented something in the beta, or I am doing something wrong, but my backups always complete with "root" as the owner and no read/write permissions.


    I have a script setup to run after the backup completes with the following (2 servers backup here -- Tower & Control):

    "chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
    chown -R nobody /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server
    chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Tower\ Server
    chmod -R 777 /mnt/user/Backup/Backblaze\ Upload/Unraid\ Appdata\ Backup/Control\ Server"


    I believe this will work in the meantime, just wondering if there is a fix for this perhaps?


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