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Posts posted by kellekellner

  1. Good news at my server. Everything is working now. I don't now how but it works. I testet with the settings 


    PCIe ACS override= 'off'

    VFIO allow unsafe interrupts='no'


    i restartet the server and it wont boot. So i deinstalled the 1060 and rebootet. I changed the settings to:


    PCIe ACS override= 'both'

    VFIO allow unsafe interrupts='Yes'


    and now erverything works. I attched the xml. 


    I hope you get it working!




  2. Hi, 

    i have a windows 10 vm with an GTX 1060 Gpu passtrough. I have no error in the Device Manager. But when the gpu is doing something after some time the VM is hard locking an restarting. The win 10 vm says 


    Kernel-Power error 41


    and the log is showing 


    vfio_bar_restore: reset recovery - restoring BARs



    I testet the vm without Gpu just VNC and run cinebench for 10 minutes without any crashes. 


    Do you have any idea? 


    The files at the post are my config for the vm and the diagnostics 

    tower-diagnostics-20220124-1316.zip Win10VM.txt

  3. Hi @ all

    I have changed my Hardware for about a month to a 3900X. All went fine but the server crashed multiple times. I have changed the C-State Settings in the Bios. But the Server crashed again. But some other Servers were also unreable, so i thougt it was a network problem. Now i moved to a other room with direct connection to the Router / Switch. I startet parity check an got a lot of errors. Shoud i still run parity check or do somthing else. I'm all little bit scared. 







  4. Hello to all, my Unraid has crashed sproradically.


    The following error I have then: The server is no longer reachable via the browser or via SSH. Only a cold start helps.

    I can't find out what the problem is. I have the logs saved on the USB. But I can't find anything. It is then simply nothing more written in the LOG.

    I have attached the diagnostics.

    I do not know where to start.





  5. Hello, 

    i have an error in the Update. I have startet it from updater.phar.


    Here are the Errors

    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/composer/composer): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/composer): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/l10n): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/img): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/Listener): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/Collaboration): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/Activity): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/AppInfo): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/Controller): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/Notification): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib/Search): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/lib): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/apps/comments/appinfo): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 772
    PHP Warning:  rmdir(/config/www/nextcloud/updater/../apps/comments): Directory not empty in phar:///config/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar/lib/Updater.php on line 775

    Here the Output from the maintenance:repair

    occ maintenance:repair
     - Repair MySQL collation
         - All tables already have the correct collation -> nothing to do
     - Repair mime types
     - Clean tags and favorites
         - 0 tags of deleted users have been removed.
         - 0 tags for delete files have been removed.
         - 0 tag entries for deleted tags have been removed.
         - 0 tags with no entries have been removed.
     - Repair invalid shares
     - Move .step file of updater to backup location
     - Fix potential broken mount points
         - No mounts updated
     - Add log rotate job
     - Clear frontend caches
         - Image cache cleared
         - SCSS cache cleared
         - JS cache cleared
     - Clear every generated avatar on major updates
     - Add preview background cleanup job
     - Queue a one-time job to cleanup old backups of the updater
     - Cleanup invalid photocache files for carddav
     - Add background job to cleanup login flow v2 tokens
     - Remove potentially over exposing share links
         - No need to remove link shares.
     - Clear access cache of projects
     - Reset generated avatar flag
     - Keep legacy encryption enabled
     - Check encryption key format
     - Remove old dashboard app config data
     - Update name of the stored view
     - Fix component of birthday calendars
         - 3 birthday calendars updated.
     - Regenerating birthday calendars to use new icons and fix old birthday events without year
         - Repair step already executed
     - Fix broken values of calendar objects
        0 [->--------------------------]
     - Registering building of calendar search index as background job
         - Repair step already executed
     - Registering background jobs to update cache for webcal calendars
         - Added 0 background jobs to update webcal calendars
     - Registering building of calendar reminder index as background job
         - Repair step already executed
     - Clean up orphan event and contact data
         - 0 events without a calendar have been cleaned up
         - 0 properties without an events have been cleaned up
         - 0 changes without a calendar have been cleaned up
         - 0 cached events without a calendar subscription have been cleaned up
         - 0 changes without a calendar subscription have been cleaned up
         - 0 contacts without an addressbook have been cleaned up
         - 0 properties without a contact have been cleaned up
         - 0 changes without an addressbook have been cleaned up
     - Remove activity entries of private events
         - Removed 0 activity entries
     - Fix the share type of guest shares when migrating from ownCloud
     - Copy the share password into the dedicated column
     - Set existing shares as accepted
     - Purify and migrate collected mail addresses
        0 [----->----------------------]
     - Insert background jobs for all accounts
        0 [--------->------------------]
     - Make Mail itinerary extractor executable
     - Migrate Mail provisioning config from config.php to the database
         - No old config found
     - Create or update provisioned Mail accounts
         - No Mail provisioning config set
     - Update OAuth token expiration times
     - Create help command
     - Invalidate access cache for projects conversation provider
         - Invalidation not required
     - Switches from default updater server to the customer one if a valid subscription is available
         - Repair step already executed
     - Send an admin notification if monthly report is disabled
     - Add background job to check for backup codes
     - Populating added database structures for workflows

    But the website says: "Update in process." What can i do?




    i solved the problem. I followed the manuel update instructions. 


    Thanks for the manuel!


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