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Posts posted by SuperStyro

  1. I's using the ich777/steamcmd:insurgencysandstorm container. When setting the map, maxplayer and password in the 'GAME_PARAMS' command line box. The Farmhouse map is loaded by default with default maxplayer of 32 and no server password is applied.


    In the file opt/scripts/start-server.sh inside the container, the last line has this:


    ${SERVER_DIR}/Insurgency/Binaries/Linux/InsurgencyServer-Linux-Shipping -Port=${GAME_PORT} -QueryPort=${QUERY_PORT} -log -hostname=${SERVER_NAME} ${GAME_PARAMS}


    If the ${GAME_PARAMS} is moved to before -Port=${GAME_PORT}, the GAME_PARAMS: in the container setup works and the server uses the proper map. maxplayers and server password


    ${SERVER_DIR}/Insurgency/Binaries/Linux/InsurgencyServer-Linux-Shipping ${GAME_PARAMS} -Port=${GAME_PORT} -QueryPort=${QUERY_PORT} -log -hostname=${SERVER_NAME}


  2. On 11/20/2020 at 10:18 PM, njdowdy said:

    Can someone please advise me on how to pass my postgres docker to the Taskcafe docker template? 

    I have a postgres11 docker named "postgres-taskcafe" running on <my_unraid_ip>:5433

    In the Taskcafe template I have tried passing the following into TASKCAFE_DATABASE_HOST: postgres-taskcafe; <my_unraid_ip>:5433

    With the following error: error="dial tcp: lookup postgres-taskcafe on no such host"

    Network Type set to "Bridge" like the rest of my dockers. I'm sure I'm making a noob mistake. Thanks in advance!

    Set the Postgresql docker to 'host' for network type. The default port 5432 is used in the TASKCAFE docker for Postgres and that can not be changed currently.


    Also, make sure to set the DB_NAME to 'taskcafe' in the Postgresql docker


    NOTE: I am stuck at the login screen and not able register a new user. That option does not work yet. I also, do not get the 'first start install' to happen.

    • Thanks 1
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