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Posts posted by r8z0r1

  1. Hi, just wondering if anyone else has come across this or if there is a known bug/fix.


    Had to roll back from 6.12.2 - 6.11.5 as my logs were hitting 100% and system (docker/VM's, etc) response time was erratic and slow. 


    This was the error filling the logs, which relates to my PCIe SATA expansion card:


    Jul 15 16:16:02 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1c.5: AER: Corrected error received: 0000:05:00.0
    Jul 15 16:16:02 Tower kernel: ahci 0000:05:00.0: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Data Link Layer, (Transmitter ID)
    Jul 15 16:16:02 Tower kernel: ahci 0000:05:00.0:   device [1b4b:9215] error status/mask=00001000/00002000
    Jul 15 16:16:02 Tower kernel: ahci 0000:05:00.0:    [12] Timeout


    Here is the diagnostic file:



  2. this is the diagnostic from the latest reload, seems to be required every 5 days. Hoping to understand why it takes so long for the Ngix server deamon to start and the login page to become available.


    Aug 17 10:48:27 Tower unraid-api[3643]: ✔️ UNRAID API started successfully!
    Aug 17 10:48:27 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (35): /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]: [2022/08/17 10:48:45.888608,  0] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:398(become_local_master_stage2)
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:   *****
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:   Samba name server TOWER is now a local master browser for workgroup HOME on subnet
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:   *****
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]: [2022/08/17 10:48:45.888695,  0] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:398(become_local_master_stage2)
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:   *****
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:   Samba name server TOWER is now a local master browser for workgroup HOME on subnet
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:
    Aug 17 10:48:45 Tower nmbd[3501]:   *****
    Aug 17 10:55:57 Tower root: Starting Nginx server daemon...
    Aug 17 10:56:09 Tower root: nginx: [warn] "ssl_stapling" ignored, host not found in OCSP responder "r3.o.lencr.org" in the certificate "/boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem"
    Aug 17 10:56:12 Tower root: Starting [email protected]
    Aug 17 10:56:13 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (36): /etc/rc.d/rc.flash_backup start
    Aug 17 10:56:13 Tower unraid-api[4210]: ✔️ UNRAID API started successfully!


  3. Thanks for the advice. I've been down the road of release candidates too many times and each one comes with its own issues (as well as fixes) but ultimately leaves me in an unknown state. Likewise rolling back may have unknown consequences at this point. At least with where I am now, I understand the issue, the symptoms and how to resolve, might be a pain for a while but I can cope with it.


    The only other thing I would point out and ask is regarding the time it takes for the Unraid login page to become available after a reload, used to be pretty much instantly after the server was pingable, it is now taking up to 10 mins for the login page to appear which coincides with the Ngix service starting when watching the syslogs. Any thoughts or is this normal for the new release?

  4. Hi, I upgraded without any issue yesterday to 6.10.3 and had previously run a stable environment for many years without incident. However today without any warning the path to mnt/user/domains was lost causing my VM's to be lost. A reboot of unraid has since resolved he issue however I wanted to check if this is known and likely to happen again?

  5. On 5/9/2020 at 10:20 PM, luca2 said:

    Not yet.


    Wil try to describe what I have tried so far. I can ping my meet.subdomain.duckdns.org from my mobile or my lan. But when I look at my router NAT rules for letsencrypt, both for tcp port 80 and udp port 443, no traffic is coming in. Neither on NAT rule for Jitsi on port 10000.

    My letsencrypt log is ok.

    In portainer if I look at docker-jitsi-meet published ports, I can access Jitsi welcome page for starting a meeting in:  8443:443 and 8000:80. In :443 I need to type in my browser https://ip_unraidserver:8443. Then I can start a meeting (test10). But If I type in my mobile meet.subdomain.duckdns.org I cant reach that meeting. When I am in the created meeting(at home), I can obtain a link for this meeting to share it, but it is: ip_unraidserver:8443/test10


    ok the issue I had was due to the video from Spaceinvader One and the associated text file renaming the docker containers in Portainer the wrong way around, it looks like meet.jitsi and xxmp.meet.jitsi are transversed, swap them around restart all 4 containers and then restart letsencrypt and about 2 mins later all started working.

  6. 5 hours ago, SpaceInvaderOne said:

    Great info @rjlanthanks.

    Also people should remember that if they have restarted their server since installing jistsi then docker compose will no longer be instaled so will need to run

    curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.5/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 

    Might be a good idea to put that line into a suer script to execute on first start of the array

    Hi I always follow your guides and usually all goes well, just can get this one to work. Various issues, however the main one to start is an ngix 502 bad gateway, I'm using duckdns with the url meetnantwich.duckdns.org. any help would be appreceated?

  7. On 4/22/2020 at 12:52 AM, SpaceInvaderOne said:

    How to install the Jitsi stack and run through a reverse proxy. This guide uses docker compose and portainer.




    Hi I always follow your guides and usually all goes well, just can get this one to work. Various issues, however the main one to start is an ngix 502 bad gateway, I'm using duckdns with the url meetnantwich.duckdns.org. any help would be appreceated?

  8. 18 hours ago, luca2 said:

    Hi, I have one doubt and I think it is the key to make it work.

    I am assuming the subdomain I created in duckdns (magmajitsi.duckdns.org) will allow any user to access from a browser in my Jitsi-server by typing https://meet.magmajitsi.duckdns.org. Is it true or do I need a domain so that the user types https://meet.mydomain.com?



    Did you get this working, I am having similar issues with ngix bad gateway 502 when trying to use duckdns?

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