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Sneaky Chopsticks

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Posts posted by Sneaky Chopsticks

  1. 4 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

    Do you have the Krusader specific recycle bin enabled?


    BTW, this post really should be in the support thread specifically for the container, you can get there by clicking on the support link on the dropdown from the container's icon in the webgui.

    I did, I just went through the appdata and found the trash bin and emptied it. My cache drive is back to regular utilization. I will make sure to post in the container support thread next time. Thank you!

  2. Hey everyone, I recently started having an issue where my 1TB cache drive was filling up to full even though it would normally sit at around 400-500GB. I checked the size of appdata and it's sitting at around 819 GB with the majority of it being from krusader. I have my appdata set to Prefer in the meantime while I am trying to troubleshoot this issue. Any insight would be very much appreciated. Thanks!


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